Can somebody give me a price on this gold item?
Holy vial of fortitude.
energy +12 (requires 9 protection prayers)
health +29
Inscription: "Pure of hearth"
Reduces poison duration on you by 20% (stacking)
PC on holy vial of fortitude
The mods attached are considered junk simply because they're not especially popular or easy to sell for much money.
So, a clean or junk modded r9 max gold inscribable Holy Vial offhand ... I'd price check that at about 5k. Maybe a little more or less depending on luck and how much time you spend selling it. It's not exactly an unpopular protection offhand skin; there simply seems to be more supply than demand these days to keep the prices higher.
Hope it helps, GL!
So, a clean or junk modded r9 max gold inscribable Holy Vial offhand ... I'd price check that at about 5k. Maybe a little more or less depending on luck and how much time you spend selling it. It's not exactly an unpopular protection offhand skin; there simply seems to be more supply than demand these days to keep the prices higher.
Hope it helps, GL!
2-3k max imo .