pc r9-r13 draconic aegis (strength)

Demonlord Matt

Demonlord Matt

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2009

Alliance Of Fides [AoF]


r9 through r13 draconic aegis AR16 all clean


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I asked for PC help on r9 versions a couple months ago. Most responses I got said 40-45e was the norm.

Since then, I've bought and sold a few of them. Like most things, prices depend a lot on how much time you're willing to spend looking for buyers and sellers.

In the past couple months, I've traded ...

r9 str Draconic Aegis
- bought for ~175k (35e when 1e~5k)
- sold for ~225k (45e when 1e~5k)
- bought for ~150k (30e when 1e~5k)
- sold for ~225k (45e when 1e~5k)
- bought for ~166k (100k+12e when 1e~5.5k)
- sold for ~275k (50e when 1e~5.5k)
The last one there is the most recent - maybe three days ago.

r10 str Draconic Aegis
- saw one listed for 100k b/o on Guru about a month ago
- bought one for ~120k (20e when 1e~6k)
- sold one for 200k (cash trade, no ectos - they decided to trust me for the first half rather than convert 100k to ecto)

I haven't had occasion to trade the higher req. versions, but perhaps you can estimate by working from the req 9-10 differences if no one gives you better answers.