Dhuum idea



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2009


Ok, me and a guildie were up really late one night and we thought, "Hey, Dhuum has a lot of health." "Why yes, yes he does." "You know, GRENTHS BALANCE could take away a lot of that health very fast"

Grenths balance+Dhuum=fail?

Im not trying to form a clearing team build, im just wondering if this would be effective.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2007



wouldn't work , cause if im not mistaken grenths balance only steals life till your hp is full , could be worth it , but i think a constant spoil victor would be the better choice



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Dvd Forums [DVDF]


Your title, in a way, speaks to your idea, if you say it right.

But, no, it won't work.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2009


well these are the kind of ideas that spawn at 6 am..lol thanks for the imput



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2007

Manchester, England

Gil Worz Is Srs [Bsns]


Might be funny and could be very effective, however I think it takes up an Elite slot which could be put to use in other areas.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

GB is a simple life stealing spell, it should work on him. The problem is not that. For example if you take BR (-25%), infuse (-50%), and pop three cons (+300HP) you can suck ~700HP from him for 21ene in every 10s. That s not bad but I doubt it is worth 1 elite and 2 normal skill slots.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007


Guild Hopper!


dont forget Vital Boon, Vital Weapon, Vital Blessing, Fertile Season, Symbiosis w/Bonder

LOL so many more +health skills

Isnt the Underworld Grenth's domain? then he should invoke his balance to smite Dhuum with a single blow. subliminal hint anet?

http://i33.tinypic.com/jg7jbd.jpg (pic from wiki)
+Grenth's Balance?
(since this is in theory and all lol)

snowman relic

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009

your just a meatsheild to me


lol id love to try killing grenth with the build showed in the pic that would be so beast



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2009



if you could get to uw, and you could have more stuff on you then that if you had each of your heros bring enchants and br and bip and stuff they could keep up more then that, then you just spam infuse health drop to half then use grenths to heal back up go back and forth.

try using that on some uber boss or something, a run for soo

edit: you forgot moral/dp



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2009


I still think theres a little hope in this idea, because me and my friend thought about arcane mimicry on another ally, have 2 people spamming it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2009



allright I took a look at this
and I could get that to 4,000 health with extra mods and runes and cons ect...
I'v also tried it out using grenths on the master of dmg in gtob thou I need to be at normal health and I can steal about 150 of his health, so assuming I use that setup and assuming I could get my health to about 4,000 which I'm not far off and if I had my health at under 100 health with my max at 4,000 I could hit dhuum for 2,000 dmg which would be an epic spike , also wiki says dhuum has about 100,000 health so he will always trigger grenths cause you win once he is at about 25% health (25,000 health) you would just need to get to him with your heros lol, so get 4 mob permas to figure something out.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


But you have to dedicate so many characters to making it work JUST for the end. It's a little pointless if you can't make it through the UW.

And also, if you make it through UW with your original builds, and can't take out Dhuum... Well, you should be able to.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2009



I think if you were to bring just a normal ranger with the spirit but don't try and max it out and just bring a n/me running blood with grenths he could still help with the rest of the UW and still for hit dhuum for about 500 every 5 seconds assuming you echo grenths



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



I really cannot see the point anyway.
Even if it could work, it wouldn't help finish Dhuum off any quicker.

Getting his health down takes less time than it does for that bar to fill up.

And that character wouldn't be a great asset for the rest of the UW.

Sir Cusfreak

Sir Cusfreak

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

In your backline

No Tags [NONE]

that's funny as hell, I'd love to see that work. If by some miracle you did manage to get through and face Dhuum, it would be epic.

at least someone is using some imagination.

build approved, post screenies when you're done


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Would it work? Yes.
Would it work faster than numerous other options? No.
Would it be very useful for the rest of UW? No.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2009


Dhuum functions like a prophecy boss for all purposes, and one of the ideas I was considering was having a dedicated Wastrel's Worry spammer. At only 14 domination, it makes for 95 damage every 1.5 seconds, assuming the mesmer is able to stay still and not contend with the skeletons and other undead scurrying around. Of course, that character would bring other skills for the rest of UW.

Also, I'm wondering if the minions Dhuum summons during the battle count as "summoned" creatures, because there are plenty of ways to deal with those.

I think further brainstorming would be good though.