PC Golds

Perik Lee

Perik Lee

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thessaloniki, Greece


I need price check for these gold items before i start cleaning my storage. I am basically interested in a price for each as if it was clean. Take into consideration the upgrades they have only if they make a difference to the price or suggest what upgrades to apply to improve the price.

Thanks in advance!


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2009


1. 40-60k
8. 15-20k
13. 30-40k



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Europe - H

Private Army of Ascalon [ARMY]


1: nonmax: use it on hero IMO
2: ~10k IMO, but take other PC-s
3: IDK
4: ~15k
5: ~5k
6: use it on hero IMO
7: last time I sold one, it was 30k, but it was a way back... maybe ~15k nowdays...
8: ~15k
9: ~10k IMO
10: ~30k
11: ~30k
12: IDK
13: ~10k - mod kills it IMO