Wintergreen Shield
Magmas Shield
Max Gold Inscrib Req9 Str
Perfect modded
Draconic Aegis
Max Gold Inscrib Req9 Tac
Perfect Modded
PC on a few inscrib shields
Ss Executioner
Ss Executioner
We're tracking prices of Wintergreen stuff on the new Greens & Other Unique Items (all campaigns) Price Guide, currently stickied on this forum. The reported data for Wintergreen shields so far is 240-300k, but I have not bought or sold one myself.
I asked some friends who trade a lot about insc. Magmas Shields a couple weeks ago and they said r9 insc. goes for ~100k. I've seen sellers spamming to sell them in Kamadan for 100k once or twice, so perhaps they can actually be bought cheaper.
From what I've seen, r9 Tactics Draconic Aegis tends to be about the same as Command - they can be found as low as 80kish and can sell as high as maybe 140kish. Depends on how motivated buyer and seller are really, like everything else.
Prices are for the skins/reqs alone. In my experience, "perfect modding" shields is not usually likely to raise their prices beyond the cost of the base shield plus the mods sold separately, especially when you're talking about expensive shields like the above. Get a perfect salvage kit, remove the mods and sell them separately. Keep them handy to offer potential buyers with the shields if you like, but you're more likely to come out ahead selling the parts.
Cheers! Hope it helps
I asked some friends who trade a lot about insc. Magmas Shields a couple weeks ago and they said r9 insc. goes for ~100k. I've seen sellers spamming to sell them in Kamadan for 100k once or twice, so perhaps they can actually be bought cheaper.
From what I've seen, r9 Tactics Draconic Aegis tends to be about the same as Command - they can be found as low as 80kish and can sell as high as maybe 140kish. Depends on how motivated buyer and seller are really, like everything else.
Prices are for the skins/reqs alone. In my experience, "perfect modding" shields is not usually likely to raise their prices beyond the cost of the base shield plus the mods sold separately, especially when you're talking about expensive shields like the above. Get a perfect salvage kit, remove the mods and sell them separately. Keep them handy to offer potential buyers with the shields if you like, but you're more likely to come out ahead selling the parts.
Cheers! Hope it helps