Celestial Shield q9 str insc
Celestial Sword q9 insc
Celestial Scepter q9 fire(+5nrg(ench),HSR 10%) q9 Divine (+5^50)
Celestial Hammer non-insc 5nrg 30hp 20/20
Guardian of the hunt q9 str insc
Icy Dragon Sword NON-inscr 15^50 30hp
Icy Dragon SWord(non-inscr), Celestial Weapons, Eternal Shield, Guardian of the hunt
ids 15-20k
celestial shield/sword 20-30k
hammer probably 30-40k if you can find a buyer
Guardian of the hunt 10-20k
celestial shield/sword 20-30k
hammer probably 30-40k if you can find a buyer
Guardian of the hunt 10-20k
IDS about 15kish clean
GoTH str 20-35k
GoTH str 20-35k
Luke D
sold my last 2 IDS's for 10k and 13k. took a while too