I havent made a GW movie in awhile and thought I should give it a try once again.
My videos usually focus more on storytelling and/or expressing the song's message/emotions. There's a background story regarding the scenes in this video but I'd rather have the clips and the music convey it themselves
I did not use any advanced editing or special effects. I've yet to learn those ^_^". Still, I hope you find the video enjoyable.
Call Me [GWMV]
PS- Please feel free to rate/comment/subscribe/friend me in youtube. I love watching videos as they inspire me to improve and learn more
A New GW Movie I Made
Looks good overall, very creative. I have to say the beginning made me lol when you had the ranger dude walking, just because of how terribly bad gw's walking animation is, but it looked almost like he was doing a forward moon walk
I think the video is very good. I don't get the connection to the music, but I liked the clips and how and what you recorded.
Originally Posted by sonofthort
Looks good overall, very creative. I have to say the beginning made me lol when you had the ranger dude walking, just because of how terribly bad gw's walking animation is, but it looked almost like he was doing a forward moon walk
lol yeah I noticed that as well haha..he was walking backwards actually..just had to reverse the clip lol
Great work Mina, love the choice of song!