Hmmm... I didn't mean to start a firestorm here. I was merely pointing out that this sure sounded like an oblique way of saying "we fixed the spoofability of the password reset urls," and was looking for a clarification whether it was a functionality fix or a security fix.
Originally Posted by Bristlebane
I did click that Password retrieval URL after my account had been hijacked, and ALL it did was take you to NCSOFT. So I'm 100% sure that it couldn't have been used for stealing accounts, it just didn't take you to any specific page for retrieving your password.
This would imply it was a functionality fix.
Originally Posted by masharra
who says a new undetectable key logger hasnt been released?
This is more Fril's area than mine, but I'm reasonably certain that, not only doesn't such a thing exist, it's fundamentally impossible for it to exist. At worst, you could have a new rootkit that's good at hiding a keylogger from the average user and the cruddy antivirus he relies on as his sole security tool. Also, I don't want to be mean, but your understanding of computer security in general seems pretty far off base. As a result, you're making a lot of very dubious assumptions.
Originally Posted by Martin Alvito
It doesn't lay with ANet entirely. We've got two types of hack that appear to be going on. One has been going on for some time - the garden-variety keylogger issue. People are dumb, they download and install third-party programs/porn, get hacked, and QQ.
We also have what appears to be a new and more sophisticated automated hack.
I don't get why it's so hard for people to grasp that accounts can be stolen in more than one way. Yes, there's a certainly baseline of account theft due to user stupidity. Always has been, always will be. But there seems to be more going on. And as the evidence mounts up, it sure does look like there's a way to steal accounts using a vulnerability on the NCSoft/a-net side of things.
That's what has me unnerved. I know what I'm doing. My security is going to be a relatively tough nut to crack, and, frankly, if someone does get in, they almost deserve my account for their efforts. But there's not a damned thing I can do to protect against NCSoft/a-net giving out/resetting my account credentials for any thief who comes along.
(Also, btw, the fact that accounts can be stolen in multiple ways is why I place zero faith in Gaile's assurance that the problem is not with the NCSoft account based on the existence of ONE stolen unlinked account. For all we know or she knows, that particular account could have been stolen through user stupidity while other accounts are stolen through a weakness in the NCSoft account.)