The ultimate challenge: Ooze Pit HM
Oh man, it has been ages since I've played Guild Wars, but recently got a lil back into it. I have this Warrior character which I've completed all missions on normal and hard mode with, vanquished every single area in the game. The only thing I have left are a few of EotN's hard mode dungeons... Ooze Pit being the hardest of them all.
So yes... It's probably been like 2 years since I've last tried this thing, so I can't really remember what I used to use. But I'm looking for tips, advice, builds, anything I need to get through this dungeon on hard mode with Heroes and Henchmen, preferably without the need of use of those DP removers.
My Warrior character has every Warrior skill unlocked, max upgraded weapons, armour + insignias etc. Most of my Heroes are max upgraded with weapons, insignias and I have most of the skills unlocked.
I remember the few times I've tried this dungeon on hard mode, it ended up in a complete failure, barely getting past the first few groups of enemies. They just spike so insanely hard, and the fact they're multiplying rapidly makes it even more of an ass to beat if you can't manage to spike most of them in the beginning.
So yes... It's probably been like 2 years since I've last tried this thing, so I can't really remember what I used to use. But I'm looking for tips, advice, builds, anything I need to get through this dungeon on hard mode with Heroes and Henchmen, preferably without the need of use of those DP removers.
My Warrior character has every Warrior skill unlocked, max upgraded weapons, armour + insignias etc. Most of my Heroes are max upgraded with weapons, insignias and I have most of the skills unlocked.
I remember the few times I've tried this dungeon on hard mode, it ended up in a complete failure, barely getting past the first few groups of enemies. They just spike so insanely hard, and the fact they're multiplying rapidly makes it even more of an ass to beat if you can't manage to spike most of them in the beginning.
I cheated on this and dumbed it down for myself.
Going as Warrior's Endurance, Aura of Holy Might, Asuran Sacn, Scythe Attacks etc.. I had a monk hero bond me with Life Barrier(goes on first), Life Bond and Strength of Honour.
Have a hero cast Protective Spirit on you and aggro some Ooze, hold aggro just within range of your H&H and blow them up with Scythe attacks.
The rest of you hero's shouldn't really matter too much here but I had a Necromancer hero with Channelling and Communing (Signet of Spirits etc..).
Monk hero with Life Barrier, Life Bond, Strength of Honour plus Protective Spirit, Shield of Absorption, Blessed Signet and a disabled Rebirth.
Another Necromancer with Spiteful Spirit, Barbs and some other curses stuff!
Oh yes and the two monk henchies, Herta and Zho.
If memory serves the Ooze pit doesn't have any enchantment stripping(well apart from a few Incubus but thats where your Hero's come in) so you'll be nigh on indestructible so just hack away until your covered in imaginary pixilated goo.
If this makes you feel less of a Warrior take Frenzy.
Have fun!
Going as Warrior's Endurance, Aura of Holy Might, Asuran Sacn, Scythe Attacks etc.. I had a monk hero bond me with Life Barrier(goes on first), Life Bond and Strength of Honour.
Have a hero cast Protective Spirit on you and aggro some Ooze, hold aggro just within range of your H&H and blow them up with Scythe attacks.
The rest of you hero's shouldn't really matter too much here but I had a Necromancer hero with Channelling and Communing (Signet of Spirits etc..).
Monk hero with Life Barrier, Life Bond, Strength of Honour plus Protective Spirit, Shield of Absorption, Blessed Signet and a disabled Rebirth.
Another Necromancer with Spiteful Spirit, Barbs and some other curses stuff!
Oh yes and the two monk henchies, Herta and Zho.
If memory serves the Ooze pit doesn't have any enchantment stripping(well apart from a few Incubus but thats where your Hero's come in) so you'll be nigh on indestructible so just hack away until your covered in imaginary pixilated goo.
If this makes you feel less of a Warrior take Frenzy.
Winry Sagara
I've done this dungeon in HM with my ele (if i remember well I was setted with a water build), taking with me: a human warrior tank, a human SS, a discordway, a healer and a protector. I was holding the protector and I've kept active protective spirit and spirit bond on the warrior (the combo of monk 600). After tanking, kill the oozes. Remember to bring diversion to destroy their most devastating skill: Gelatinous Absorption (if someone is practice of skill interrupting, he can try to interrupt Gelatinous Absorption, [cast time 3/4]).
Also, you can try a terra-tank build with obsidian flesh, but I don't know if this works well.
Also, you can try a terra-tank build with obsidian flesh, but I don't know if this works well.
Okay, I see... Bonding & Tanking is the key here. Also bringing Diversion and Spiteful Spirit. I'll see what I can do when I get back home.^^ Thank you for replies.=D
Captain Bulldozer
Bonding and tanking will get the job done for the most part, but they're not exactly required. You should be able to get by just fine if you pre-prot and keep the prots flowing. The unstable oozes use an skill which kills them and inflicts massive AoE damage... have a char with prot spirit up go in first and get rid of them. After that its mostly straight forward. As a side note, don't take skills which require the use of minions, as you won't have any. A spirit spammer can take the place of a MM quite effectively.
If you're still having trouble, just get a run. Plenty of people can do it (the safest way is with 600/smite/QZ but there are some others as well). Good hunting.
If you're still having trouble, just get a run. Plenty of people can do it (the safest way is with 600/smite/QZ but there are some others as well). Good hunting.
Proper aggro management is key here.
The Ooze's are thick and are easily tanked.
When I last did it on my necro, I brough an ER Ele hero - he was useful.
Use that hero to keep Prot Spirit and Spirit Bond on yourself and basically have the other heroes nuke them after they've settled on you. You can hammer away at stuff too and SY may help if aggro breaks (but there's a lot of E-Denial and armour ignoring stuff).
Or just bond... I confess when I went in I didn't have the intention of mere tanking, but that's just what it came down to ultimately.
I think I had a fire hero in my setup at the time too... Not ideal, but it was ok. Ogden was more or less a waste of time though, he managed to die a lot.
When facing the Prismatics, try to only lure one at a time. Killing two at once will probably lead to a wipe but you should recover fine with careful pulling of the spawns when you res.
The Ooze Pit is far from the hardest HM dungeon. Doing it like described in this thread basically removes any challenge. Frostmaw's, Vloxen's, Shards and Slaver's are all much harder. Although Frostmaw's isn't too bad.
The Ooze's are thick and are easily tanked.
When I last did it on my necro, I brough an ER Ele hero - he was useful.
Use that hero to keep Prot Spirit and Spirit Bond on yourself and basically have the other heroes nuke them after they've settled on you. You can hammer away at stuff too and SY may help if aggro breaks (but there's a lot of E-Denial and armour ignoring stuff).
Or just bond... I confess when I went in I didn't have the intention of mere tanking, but that's just what it came down to ultimately.
I think I had a fire hero in my setup at the time too... Not ideal, but it was ok. Ogden was more or less a waste of time though, he managed to die a lot.
When facing the Prismatics, try to only lure one at a time. Killing two at once will probably lead to a wipe but you should recover fine with careful pulling of the spawns when you res.
The Ooze Pit is far from the hardest HM dungeon. Doing it like described in this thread basically removes any challenge. Frostmaw's, Vloxen's, Shards and Slaver's are all much harder. Although Frostmaw's isn't too bad.
Well, I finally completed it. Kinda strange how I've never managed to beat it before, and now I did it fairly easily, even though I haven't played in a long time.^^ I did need a Powerstone of Courage after killing the first Prismatic Ooze, it was actually the first time I've ever used one... just didn't want to start all over again.>__>
One part annoyed the hell out of me, there was a huge group of Oozes I was going to fight... all of a sudden a huge spawn of Volatiles appeared and completely wiped the party... and it resurrected my party right on top of the huge enemy group. Dumb resurrection points placed very very wrong.-__-
Originally Posted by Xenomortis
One part annoyed the hell out of me, there was a huge group of Oozes I was going to fight... all of a sudden a huge spawn of Volatiles appeared and completely wiped the party... and it resurrected my party right on top of the huge enemy group. Dumb resurrection points placed very very wrong.-__-

When facing the Prismatics, try to only lure one at a time. Killing two at once will probably lead to a wipe but you should recover fine with careful pulling of the spawns when you res.
The Ooze Pit is far from the hardest HM dungeon. Doing it like described in this thread basically removes any challenge. Frostmaw's, Vloxen's, Shards and Slaver's are all much harder. Although Frostmaw's isn't too bad. I tried luring out one at a time, but they sticked together, so I and Jin just went tanking them and took them out by one by one. Had a party-wipe every time a boss died.>__>
I did those dungeons you mentioned above and found them to be easier than the Ooze Pit. Man, this dungeon sucked, glad it's over.=p
The Ooze Pit is far from the hardest HM dungeon. Doing it like described in this thread basically removes any challenge. Frostmaw's, Vloxen's, Shards and Slaver's are all much harder. Although Frostmaw's isn't too bad. I tried luring out one at a time, but they sticked together, so I and Jin just went tanking them and took them out by one by one. Had a party-wipe every time a boss died.>__>
I did those dungeons you mentioned above and found them to be easier than the Ooze Pit. Man, this dungeon sucked, glad it's over.=p
You know people can run this nowadays.. ooze HM is only a few K generally.
Originally Posted by xanarot

You know people can run this nowadays.. ooze HM is only a few K generally.
Well, but that's the uncool way in my opinion.=p
oozes are weak on fire... lower armor level. Then add the fact that they're easily aggro-controlled.
It's a little late since you did it, but I just took 3x ellies, all with searing flames/liquid flame/glowing gaze, two with PwK and a hard res and the other with prot spirit.
It was fairly easy to tank and spank with me on a high-armor build + prot spirit, plus the party-heal to recover if any ran past me. Without fail they blew up much faster than I did.
It's a little late since you did it, but I just took 3x ellies, all with searing flames/liquid flame/glowing gaze, two with PwK and a hard res and the other with prot spirit.
It was fairly easy to tank and spank with me on a high-armor build + prot spirit, plus the party-heal to recover if any ran past me. Without fail they blew up much faster than I did.
Hmm, I'm not a fan of nuking the hell out of stuff... I prefer a somewhat more subtle way of killing things.xD And like to have my 3 Elementalist Heroes specialized in different kinds of Magic, so they can be useful for all kinds of different situations.
But I'll keep it in mind in case I'll be doing it next time, maybe when helping someone else on it.^^
But I'll keep it in mind in case I'll be doing it next time, maybe when helping someone else on it.^^
I don't get why people get worked up about this dungeon. It's actually possible to do it with H/H discordway with no optimizations. One of the least challenging dungeons of all.
I don't even know what discordway is...
Originally Posted by Milennin

I don't even know what discordway is...
It's a high damage variant of Sabway which, if you weren't aware, utilises the awesome synergy of three necro heroes and their unlimited energy.
CE Devilman
its not so bad..