Malitia Shield, 14 armor, requires 6 tactics, blue and inscriptable
I know that 16/8 and 15/7 are worth a bit, but I dont have a good idea about the 14/6. Any suggestions are appreciated!
EDIT: Also, any ideas on this shield?
Luke D
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: Mar 2007
04 Dec 2009 at 00:44 - 2
These are definitely worth something. I sold some req 6/14 armor Great Conches for 15k, but they were gold. Militia Shield is a better skin imo, so I'd think even blue 15k+. Wait for more opinions though.
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Nov 2008
Peace And Harmony [PnH] War Machine [WM]
04 Dec 2009 at 02:22 - 3
30k or so on the militia, it's useful since secondary warriors can put 6 in tactics w/o dropping more than 1 point in another attribute. (Assuming 12,12).
50e maybe on the Cele shield. Celes are probably the most common shield in r7/16 form and not many eles split 7 in tactic. All the same it is a nice shield.