I have been reading a lot about the Zaishen Challenge Quest but have not got a chance to play them yet because our computer is down right now. I have one question:
When you accept the quest, do you have one day to finish the quest before the quest changes and if you don't finish it in one day, your out of luck? Or do you have as much time as you want?
Also, is there anyway to do previous quests?
I'm sorry if these question are really obvious but I just don't have enough patience to wait for the computer and then see it for myself. :P
Thanks :)
Zashain Challenge Quest
Kim Sythe Weilder
Marty Silverblade
*You can only pick up the quests that are available on that day, but they repeat since there are only so many bosses/missions/PvP styles. However, once you accept a quest, you can keep them, work on them, and accept the reward for them whenever you like. The Zaishen quests are never purged from your log (though you can abandon them if you decide you don't want to do them).
Kim Sythe Weilder
So it would be a good thing to just accept them even if you don't want to do them right now, for later? Wow, interesting. Thanks for the reply
Eragon Zarroc
Zaishen Quest
Originally Posted by wiki.guildwars.com
As above - note especially the part about having only 3 active quests per type. This means that you can keep the quests for as long as you like, but you can't just go and accept all the quests to do later. If you have 3 (of one type of) quests, you need to abandon or complete one before you can accept another.