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Q9 Fiery 15^50 Caged Shortbow Of Fortitude?

I ask this because i made this bow and overall, it was like this:

Bowstring: 500g
Grip: 1k-1,5k
Insignia: 1k-1.5k
Bow: 2,5k-3k
Overall (MAX PRICE): 6.5k

So id like to know what would be the price, because it can be a great way of moneymaking. Thanks

Sir Cusfreak

Sir Cusfreak

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

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I'd call it just short of a miracle if you happen to get your money back from that.

investing in items by modding them just doesnt work. you take good mods from items and sell those sparate and make much more money.

You dont know that a buyer wants a particular mod, and they dont want to pay your juiced-up price for mods like a firey string when theyre just going to cover it up with vamp, zealous, or sundering, for example, or a 15^50 when they might just as well want +5en; or a +30 when they want +7 armor.
Keep your mods and let the buyer say WTB whatever mod they want, and then sell them that too.

the only value of that bow is the 15^50 and the +30. so youre looking at 2k at best. noone wants to buy a caged shortbow skin, unfortunately.

best of luck