What's up gwg. Haven't been around in a while, a few friends started playing again so, I'm trying to get my monk up and going. Wanna complete NF with him. Need it all boys, quests and everythanggg. Already calculated on someone elses thread and it'd cost me about 110-125k just for the missions there. But I need quests and junk too. Like I said in title, will pay 250-300k for this.
IGN = "I Understand"
MSN = "corbinc14 AT hotmail DOT com"
AIM = "Romantic"
Elona [Full] - [250-300k]
Ariena Najea
I can do this for you, but I need a little more information:By quests, I assume you mean only Primaries along the way
Do you want all Missions, or just one storyline?
Where are you starting from?
When do you need the run by?
I am mostly booked for this week and the next. If you need this run sooner, I have associates who can likely complete this for you sooner. The price will depend on your answers to the above questions.
Please send me a PM with the above info.
I am mostly booked for this week and the next. If you need this run sooner, I have associates who can likely complete this for you sooner. The price will depend on your answers to the above questions.
Please send me a PM with the above info.