Price of Armbraces post nurf...?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


Just have a few questions for those people that do DoA-SC... I have been noticing how armbrace prices have a inverse relationship with the price of ectos... Ectos have been going up so armbrace prices are going down (when sale price is in ectos).

My questions are:

How heavily dependent is DoA-SC on shadow form?

Can shadow form be easily replaced with another elite such as obsidian flesh without heavy time costs on the run?

How would you describe demand for arm braces the past month? (Please mention how many you sold)

Do you expect the price of armbraces to keep up with the increased price of ectos post nurf?

This isnt another SF thread... theres already plenty threads on it, so if you have an opinion about shadow form... here is not the place for it.

Thanks in advance for the info fellas.

Stop The Storm

Stop The Storm

Keeping DoA Alive

Join Date: Jan 2007


Were In [DoA]


dont get me wrong, SF will be missed, but weve been doing runs with obby flesh getting ready for the nerf and they seem to be going ok, so we'll survive.

EVERYONE seems to be selling armbraces atm little as 38e ive seen, its not only the price of ectos going up that are pushing people to sell, i think its the mentality of "i need ectos not armbraces" its crazy tbh, with the nerf to SF, alot of the guilds will struggle to do DoA-SC with obsi in respectable times.

i predict armbraces to go back up to the 50e range once the nerf hits and things settle, cause atm, the only people buying up armbraces are the powertraders, knowing that in a few months time, everyone will be buying them again


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2009



I think your missing the point. Its all about the cost. Armbrace price typically was 45e per brace. When ecto was 5.5k-6k, now ecto at trader is up to 7.5k etc. Armbrace price is going down.

Armbraces have a value worth just like everything else. If ecto's go up to 10k each expect armbraces ECTO value you drop, would likely be around 26-30ecto's. Just an example.

EDIT: Remember ecto's are essintially another method of currancy. Armbrace prices won't just skyrocket because ecto prices are going up. The armbrace in theory will stay the same being worth less amount of ecto's, but because ecto's are worth more the worth of the brace will remain relatively the same.

Stop The Storm

Stop The Storm

Keeping DoA Alive

Join Date: Jan 2007


Were In [DoA]


but the fact that fewer people will do DoA, so less armbraces coming into the market will push the prices of armbraces up, regardless of ecto prices



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


DoASC isn't totally dependant on SF. However if you removed all other options to "tank" and spank and remove Imbagons/PvE only skills from your midline then perhaps we may have something to panic about.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


yeah, i have bought 33 in anticipation and getting nervous on how they dropped this week.... but I am sure i can pull at least my cost back out of it at least... Thanks "Stop The Storm", Your point is valid Jerrodh... but the nurf will also bring down the supply of armbraces so its hard to measure the exact effect of increased ecto prices on armbraces



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2008


Originally Posted by byteme! View Post
remove Imbagons/PvE only skills from your midline then perhaps we may have something to panic about.
I would break down and cry.

also, buff ursan, those were fun times.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


Originally Posted by Barrage View Post
I would break down and cry.

also, buff ursan, those were fun times.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating "more" nerfs. That ship has sailed. A 5 year old game that still needs balancing? STFU and GTFO.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


they did mention that other farming skills were going to be addressed.... (lol @ tank and spank)

some guy

some guy

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006


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Originally Posted by Stop The Storm View Post
but the fact that fewer people will do DoA, so less armbraces coming into the market will push the prices of armbraces up, regardless of ecto prices
Remember the thousands of duped ambraces still stashed up somewhere that Anet never manage to delete?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


A little off topic,

Thanks for those of you that provided useful input.

See ya around,



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

America -5 GMT


As for Armbrace prices they will go up. Obby flesh is slower then SF tanks so...Plus less people will be doing it, so demand will be greater then supply. Prices will go up.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2008


Once Shadow Form gets nerfed... the economy will crash. Ectos will go sky high, armbraces will go sky high due to under-farming. Much more will happen.

I'm going to say if ectos go sky-high, you will see armbraces drop in rate of ecto, but if they are not as farmed, you will see them go 40-43e @ 10k an ecto.




Join Date: Sep 2007

Last time I checked this was PC, not a place to have drawn out conversations.