PC on Golds (an overdue spring cleaning)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2009

This is my first post here. I am very ignorant of buying and selling and I have an insane number of golds that I have amassed over a long period, and finally I have no room left for anything. I don't yet know what I intend to sell, but price details on any of the following would be highly appreciated.

A lot of the items here are going to be worthless, or near to it. That's fine, I'd just like to know which. I sold the one and only voltaic spear I've ever had to a merchant and I don't wish to make that same sort of mistake again!

So without further ado, here's the list. I'll aim to edit this post and put prices beside the items from those kind people who reply.

Edit Nobody seems to be replying, so maybe this list is just too imposing? It might make it easier if I said that anything under 5k I'll probably merch anyway; I just want to know, ballpark, which of these (if any) are worth more than that so I don't go kicking myself later. I've been through and marked a lot of things that, in my ignorant opinion, are probably safe to sell - where I've left something blank it means I still don't have a clue. Please let me know if I'm wrong...

Axes (all max damage, axe mastery requirement)


<5k Great axe, req 9
<5k Jagged reaver, req 9
<5k Sickle, req 12
<5k Sickle, req 13
<5k Summit axe, req 9
<5k Ungula axe, req 10


<5k Celestial axe, req 13, +15% damage vs hexed
<5k Chaos axe, req 12, +14% damage in stance
<5k Dual gothic axe, req 11, +15% damage (health > 50%)
<5k Gothic axe, req 9, +19% damage while hexed
<5k Runic, req 9, +15% damage, -10 armor while attacking
<5k Runic axe, req 10
<5k Spiked axe, req 9, +15% damage while enchanted
<5k Summit axe, req 11, +15% damage, -10 armor while attacking

Hammers (all max damage, hammer mastery requirement)


<5k Stone crusher, req 9
<5k Stone crusher, req 10
<5k Golden maul, req 10
<5k Hawkeye hammer, req 9
<5k Greater glyphic maul, req 9
Igneous maul, req 9


<5k Marble Hammer, req 9, +20% damage while hexed

Swords (all max damage, swordsmanship requirement)


<5k Dead sword, req 10
Fanged sword, req 10
<5k Fellblade, req 13
<5k Salient Sword, req 10
<5k Sephis sword, req 10
<5k Tattooed scimitar, req 9


<5k Celestial sword, req 9, +14% damage (health > 50%)
<5k Fiery dragon sword, req 13, +15% damage in stance
<5k Jade sword, req 9, +19% damage (health < 50%)
<5k Scimitar, req 9, +15% damage, -10 armor while attacking
<5k Shadow blade, req 11, +20% damage while hexed

Shields (all max armor)


Aureate Aegis, req 9 motivation
Goldleaf Defender, req 9 command
Great conch of fortitude, req 9 tactics
Skull shield, req 9 command
Skull shield, req 10 command


<5k Echovald shield, req 11 strength, +41 health while in a stance, -3 physical damage while in a stance
Embossed Aegis, req 9 tactics, 19% -5 physical damage
Guardian of the hunt, req 9 tactics, +45 health while in a stance, 19% -5 physical damage
<5k Guardian of the hunt, req 12 strength, +10 armor vs ogres, +60 health while hexed
<5k Guardian of the hunt, req 12 tactics, +10 armor vs cold damage
Guardian of the hunt, req 10 strength, +9 armor vs blunt damage, 19% -5 physical damage
Plagueborn shield, req 9 strength, 19% +1 strength while using skills
<5k Round shield, req 9 tactics, -20% poison duration

<5k (I also have a blue non-inscribable eternal shield that's only 15 armor; it looks nice so I've kept it, but presumably it's not worth anything?)

Daggers (all max damage, dagger mastery requirement)


<5k Butterfly knives, req 10
<5k Split chrakrams, req 9
<5k Platinum sickles, req 11
<5k Talon daggers, req 12
<5k Savage daggers, req 9


Dragon kamas, req 9, +15% damage while enchanted
<5k Kris daggers, req 9, +7 armor vs physical

Scythes (all max damage and inscribable, scythe mastery requirement)

<5k Crenellated scythe, req 9
<5k Elegant scythe, req 12
<5k Elegant scythe, req 13
<5k Gazing scythe, req 9
<5k Gazing scythe, req 10
<5k Gazing scythe, req 11
<5k Razorclaw scythe, req 11

Spears (all max damage and inscribable, spear mastery requirement)

Brass spear, req 9 spear, inscr
Windblade spear, req 9 spear, inscr
Windblade spear, req 10 spear, inscr
Skull spear, req 9 spear, inscr
Guardian spear, req 12 spear, inscr

Bows (all max damage, marksmanship requirement)


Ivory bow, req 10


Amber longbow, req 9, +15% damage, -5 energy
Amber longbow, req 9, +20% damage while hexed
Amber longbow, req 10, +15% damage, -5 energy
Amber longbow, req 10, +29% damage while hexed
Amber longbow, req 12, +15% damage vs hexed
Amber longbow, req 13, +15% damage (health > 50%)
Bramble shortbow, req 9, +14% damage while in a stance
Recurve bow, req 9, +15% damage (health > 50%)
Shadow Bow, req 11, +5 Energy

Staves (all max damage, 20% hsr, +10 energy)


Accursed staff, req 9 curses
Air staff, req 10 air
Astral staff, req 9 inspiration
Bone staff, req 10 death
Channeling staff, req 13 channeling
Chrysocola staff, req 10 inspiration
Conjuring staff, req 11 spawning
Divine staff, req 10 divine
Dragon spire staff, req 9 inspiration
Dragon spire staff, req 10 inspiration
Dragon spire staff, req 12 inspiration
Earth Staff, req 13 earth
Ensorcelling staff, req 9 domination
Evil eye staff, req 10 curses
Fire staff, req 10 fire
Fuschia staff, req 10 illusion
Goldtouched staff, req 13 energy storage
Holy branch, req 10 divine
Jewelled staff, req 9 illusion
Jeweled staff, req 10 illusion
Platinum staff, req 9 spawning
Primitive staff, req 9 communing
Primitive staff, req 10 communing
Pyrewood staff, req 13 fire
Tidal staff, req 9 water
Water staff, req 9 water


Amber Staff, req 9 illusion, 10% hct
Amber staff, req 10 illusion, 20% hct communing
Amber staff, req 10 spawning, 10% hct
Amber staff, req 12 water, 10% hct
Bone staff, req 9 death, -20% deep wound
Cockatrice staff, req 11 illusion, -20% dazed duration
Dead staff, req 13 channeling, -20% bleeding duration
Earth staff, req 13 earth, 10% hct
Eerie staff, req 10 communing, -20% deep wound duration
Fire staff, req 9 fire
Fire staff, req 12 fire, -20% dazed duration
Forbidden staff, req 10 curses, -20% poison duration
Forbidden staff, req 10 domination, -20% crippled duration
Forbidden staff, req 10 earth, -20% crippled duration
Holy branch, req 9 divine, 19% hct divine favour
Holy branch, req 9 divine, 20% hct healing prayers
Holy branch, req 10 divine, 20% hct divine favour
Holy branch, req 10 divine, 20% hct healing prayers
Holy branch, req 13 divine, -20% disease duration
Holy branch, req 13 divine, -20% deep wound duration
Inscribed staff, req 10 domination, 20% hct illusion
Jade staff, req 9 water, -20% deep wound
Jade staff, req 13 smiting prayers, 10% hct
Plagueborn staff, req 9 smiting, 10% hct
Water staff, req 9 water, 19% hct earth
Zodiac staff, req 12 curses, 19% hct earth

Wands (all max damage)


Air wand, req 9 air
Arcane scepter, req 9 fast casting
Blighted rod, req 9 curses
Cane of memory, req 10 illusion
Cloudburst wand, req 9 air
Crimson claw scepter, req 9 soul reaping
Crystal wand, req 12 inspiration
Cyclopian Wand, req 10 death
Dead scepter, req 10 soul reaping
Eternal flame wand, req 11 healing
Golden pillar, req 11 earth
Onyx scepter, req 10 soul reaping
Spawning wand, req 10 spawning
Water wand, req 9 water
Water wand, req 11 water
Wayward wand, req 10 spawning
Wing wand, req 10 fire


Amber wand, req 9 blood, 10% hsr, 10% hct
Celestial scepter, req 10 illusion, +5 energy (health > 50%), 10% hsr
Celestial scepter, req 10 spawning, +5 energy
Celestial scepter, req 11 air, 10% hsr
Plagueborn scepter, req 12 air, +5 energy while hexed, 10% hct
Watercrest wand, req 10 water, 10% hsr

Offhands (all +12 energy)


Chimeric eye, req 10 illusion
Divine symbol, req 10 divine
Golden chalice, req 12 energy storage
Grim cesta, req 10 death
Inscribed chakram, req 9 domination
Inscribed chakram, req 10 domination
Pronged fan, req 9 energy storage
Skull brush, req 9 curses
Starfish focus, req 9 inspiration
Stone chakram, req 9 illusion
Water prism, req 9 water
Writhing focus, req 10 restoration


Paper fan, req 11 spawning, +9 armor (health < 50%)
Plagueborn focus, req 9 fast casting, 19% hsr illusion
Protective icon, req 9 protection, +5 armor while casting, 20% hct divine
Storm artifact, req 9 air, +56% health while hexed



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006



i've checked through the entire list, and i couldnt find much of value if anything that wasnt merchfood, or atleast that i wouldnt merch EXCEPT perhaps some of the uninscr shields and the q10 chrysocola staff (although crys staves are quite hard sell these days). someone with better knowledge about these is better off giving you a pc. perhaps the ins pronged fan will hold some value aswell.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

GMT -6

Eternal Lords of [Rush]

No buying in PC

@op - Too much stuff

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

My advice - stick it all in a sell thread with a s/b of 1k each. Base b/o's on interest. Most of it is 1-5k though.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

Tampere, Finland

Slaves of the Doom [SOD]


Terrible amount of stuff you have here, please make it short in future.

As a rule of thumb, if something´s q9 and it´s inscriptable, u can get 1-2k for them if right buyer is found (if not ridicously ugly) but it may take time.
Higher requirements are bought only if the skin is either very cool or rare (or both)

Secondly, non-insc staffs with inherent condition-shortening mod are mostly wothless.

That echovald shield u have might get some cash even with non-perfect mod. Not dozens of ectos but definitely not merch-fodder. It may be hard to find buyer, though. I´m not good PC:ing these so get another opinion.

Generally, dual-mod non-insc shields with lower reqs and (near-)perfect mods can fetch some gold if skin is popular.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


Way too much stuff, but I'll hit the highlights

Tattooed scimitar, req 9 - 8k
Aureate Aegis, req 9 motivation - 10-12k
Echovald shield, req 11 strength - 30k-ish. Maybe more.
Guardian of the hunt, req 9 tactics - near perfect, so probably the most valuable shield in your list. No idea on price though.
Dragon kamas, req 9 - 10k-ish
Astral staff, req 9 inspiration - 50k-ish
Chrysocola staff, req 10 inspiration - 15k
Holy branch, req 9 divine, 20% hct healing prayers - 20k (assuming 20% HSR)
Plagueborn staff, req 9 smiting, 10% hct - 25-30k-ish (assuming 20% HSR)
Celestial scepter, req 10 illusion, +5 energy (health > 50%), 10% hsr - no idea really, but worth some coin to the right buyer
Pronged fan, req 9 energy storage - 30k
Protective icon, req 9 protection - same as the Celestial Scepter

Any inscribable stuff that I haven't listed and is req10 and above can probably be merched (you can sometimes sell stuff like that to bargain-hunters, but it generally isn't worth the effort). And as Samarin said, you can usually get 2k for any req9 inscribables regardless of skin.

Just noticed the post and last edit date. Nice 6 month necrobump Samarin.

Da Bears

Da Bears

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2010

...my greatness

Saviors of [Evil]


waaaaaay too much stuff. most of it is 5k>.