PC on some gold items
I have been having trouble finding price checks for any of these items. Also if you could i would like a pc for the shield if it was to have a luck of the draw inscription -5 (20%). Thank you.
shadow blade 15/stance: ~5k
chaos axe: ~15k, but IDK for sure - so take other PC-s on that
cane: I'd merch
Shadow blade 15^50: ~15k
shadow bow: ~5k
spiked axe: merch
sephis sword: ~5k
celestial shield: ~30k clean
chaos axe: ~15k, but IDK for sure - so take other PC-s on that
cane: I'd merch
Shadow blade 15^50: ~15k
shadow bow: ~5k
spiked axe: merch
sephis sword: ~5k
celestial shield: ~30k clean