After years of that "View First Unread" link being one of my most often clicked things here, it took a lot of reminders for me to finally break my habit back when the url format change broke it. (At least, I think that's what caused the break.)
I just saw it on some thread. A little voice in my head went, "No Luny! Don't you click that. You know that doesn't work anymore."
Another of the little voices in my head went, "Try it! It used to be one of our favorites! It'll be cool!"
Those two voices had a short, heated debate after which I decided it was worth a shot! Be brave!
So here I am to send my sincere thanks to whomever it was that finally made that link work again!! From all of us, THANK YOU!
EDIT ... what!??!
NOOO!!! How fiendishly cruel a trap that was to set for me!
I posted this after finding it work on that riverside thread about stuff we never noticed before.
Then I opened one of the PC sticky threads (rare insc skins one) to see a new reply and it sent me back to the main forum page.
omg, what an evil trap! But I have newfound respect for Kvinna for being this vicious! I'm so hurt and so in awe at the same time. (I already knew Jenn was impressively evil like that, though.