PC Icy Felblade of Enchanting and more


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2009



Just got my hands on two golds:

Icy Fellblade of Enchanting
15-22 dmg (r10 swrd)
Inscription: "I have the Power!"
Energy +5
Ench last 20% Longer


Shadow Shield
16 armor (r9 Str)
str +1 (19% chance)
recieved phys dmg -2 (stance)

and the following greens:

Murakai's Blade
Murakai's Reaver
Havok's Shield
Kole's Torment

Let me know what you think for prices.

Thanks much,

Turk The Legendary

Turk The Legendary

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2009

Fissure of Woe

Club of A Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


felblade mabey 6kish, the price of these has dropped significantly seeing as they are everywhere. shield probably like 2k. i would have personally merc'd it since the crappy +1 19% mod

Voltaic Ectoplasm

Voltaic Ectoplasm

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007

Mallyx's pimped out Crib


Agree with Turk on them 2.

Murakais Blade/Murakais Reaver/ like 1.5k/ea
Kole Torment ive seen for 250g personally i would junk it

EDIT: With fellblade i would salvage mods (use a perfect salvage kit) sell mods about 6k/7k and blade for 5k