LFP 7 Prophecies missions HM

Toran Kewn

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2009


Since i'm not getting replies towards the services i was aiming at. Hopefully someone could help me from this section.

I added some prices that look good too me
The missions/bonusses that i need are:

Riverside Province 15k
Bloodstone Fen 15k
Thunderhead Keep 15k
Elona Reach 4k
Thirsty River 12k
Dunes of Despair 17k
Hell's Precipe 18k

((All these prices come from 1 of the services on the 'services offered' section)) The prices might actually go up if i'm really happy about how its all going.

IGN: Toran Kewn (or Shadow of Kewn incase i'm farming)
Timezone: GMT+1 (Netherlands)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




I can run you all those, but not at Paladin's prices. My time is worth more and if you want, I can tell you my prices in game. The advantage is you don't have to stand in line to get serviced.

IGN: Punishing Bad Boys

Toran Kewn

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2009



I tried contacting you a while ago (Very long while ago) to do some mr bad boy . But you didn't reply .

In the meantime between that the post was made and now, 1 mission was completed wich was Dunes of Despair.

So hopefully i'll be able to get in contact with someone soon


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

I can do THK and Bloodstone. pm me
IGN: Titan of Fire/Ithic Envy