PC golden hammer (r9)


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2007

england, nottingham

the imperial guards of torment [TIGT]


hey, its golden hammer from fendi's chest EOTN
its r9, can i have a PC on clean, and then also what are the best mods to apply and PC on the hammer with these mods? thx guys



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Wolves in Exile


What skin is it? Skin makes a big diff as to what it is worth. Is it inscriptable?

The most popular mods are probably a 15^50 inscrip, +30 health. Some people like sundering, some like vampiric, some like furious etc. Really, you could probably do better selling the sword with out a hammer haft on it and try to sell one that you have already with it.

Hammers are the cheaper of the marital weapons, a good gold max dmg can go for 500g on up depending on the skin and mods to it and if it is inscriptable or not. Likely if it is a decent skin you can probably sell it without mods for 1k. I recently bought a Sundering Greater Glypic Maul of Fortitude, max dmg 15^50 inscrip for 1.5k. It is a decent skined hammer, and i probably got it on the lower end of the price scale, but hammers are not that popular and hard to move.

sickle of carnage

sickle of carnage

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2007

Textual Harassment [kTHX]

What skin is it? Skin makes a big diff as to what it is worth.
Read the post. It's a golden hammer....