Dear God of Random
Let me have the stuff for free
LUck pls smiles at me
Chance to win Grenth or Dwayna Costumes from GuildWarsGuru! - CLOSED
To all those doom sayers!
The end is not nigh!
Originally Posted by my entry
I log on and find
A new update came to life Guild Wars still goes on |
Grenches in Lion's
Below my snow aim fells them
Reaper's cold balance
Below my snow aim fells them
Reaper's cold balance
Grenth's cold frigid grasp
Dwayna's touch warm as summer
Life and death as one
Dwayna's touch warm as summer
Life and death as one
How now oh Lord Grenth
Beseech those here, grant me spoils
circumvent their fears
Beseech those here, grant me spoils
circumvent their fears