Vanq + Missions HM


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Hi, i need 0 loks Vanquish and 30 missions in HM
Locations, that i need:
0) Flame Temple Corridor done by O Beverly Heals O
0) Dragon's Gullet done by O Beverly Heals O
0) Deldrimor Bowl done by O Beverly Heals O
0) Talus Chute done by O Beverly Heals O

1) Ruins of Surmia
2) The Great Northern Wall
3) Fort Ranik
4) The Frost Gate
5) Iron Mines of Moladune
6) Thunderhead Keep
7) Ice Caves of Sorrow
8) Gates of Kryta
9) Divinity Coast
10) Bloodstone Fen
11) Sanctum Cay
12) The Dragon's Lair
13) Augury Rock
14) Abaddon's Mouth
1) Chanbek Village
2) Consulate Docks
3) Jokanur Diggins
4) Blacktide Den
5) Nundu Bay
6) Venta Cemetry
7) Moddok Service
8) Dzagonur Bastion
9) Grant Court of Sebelkeh
10) Jenu's Horde
11) Tihark Ochard
12) Gate of Disolation
13) Ruins of Morah
14) Abaddon's Gate
15) Gate of Pain
16) Gate of Madness

For Vanq i'll pay 150g/foe like this.
For Mis i don't now how much to pay for each, make offer, price must be ok. Mb like here. Can pay a little bit more. I don't pay for Mis, if it is not perfectly done.
And i want do all of this AFK (except some missions mb)
If some1 do more than 15 mis for me, he will grant some bonus (mb 50-100k), if i'll have some money at that moment)
I'm GMT+3

If u interested, contact me in ICQ 4one2-893-2seven3 (it will be awesome) or here. I'm not playing game now hardly, so u can't catch me ingame. But anyway ign: Hattarri Ranger

Anyway Good Luck everyone
P.S. And sorry for my pure english


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Bump bump bump



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2009

Ordo Equitum Ascalonorum [Ordo]


If you are still interested, leave a post in my thread. I can do most of the missions



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2006



Sure, I might do some. Although no idea what ICQ is...

Ingame name: Lord Milennin


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Bump bump bump

Beverly heals

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009



Hey there

I can do all of it, Here is my in game

O Beverly Heals O

In some mishes like Divinity coast and Sanctum cay, you cannot be afk otherwise bonus cannot be complete, maybe unless you are dead, but i don't wanna risk it
My price for mishes is unique whatever the mish is. (Chabek village or gate of pain, same price)

For the Vanquishes, 150g/foe is fine and you can go afk
FOr this the payment will be made on an estimation based on what official wiki says. You pay in advance, if you paid too much, i give money back, if i killed more, you will save money then

Conatct me whenever you want.