I'm looking for someone who will get the vanquish titles with me ;D my class is necro, I'm experienced got discord and other good heroes
put a post here or pm me IG
add to friends: i hate chickens
EDITED by Illfated Fat : This is not a service to be sought. Threads like these belong in the PUGs and Groupings forum on Guru. Please make your thread there next time... closing this since you found your VQ buddy.
Vanquish buddy ;D
Giant with Spear
Seisho Hajime
Hit me up when your on.
IGN: Abu Hamzah
IGN: Abu Hamzah
I can vanq eotn with u. darkarrow shooter
Voodoo Tempest
I am looking to complete the vanquish titles with my Rit, so I would be interested.
IGN - Indira tempest
IGN - Indira tempest
Giant with Spear
Decided that my new VQ buddy will be Indira Tempest 
sorry that I couldnt choose all ;d

sorry that I couldnt choose all ;d