First off, I want to say that I don't have enough ecto to own any of the truly high-end minis in Guild Wars, so my thoughts are likely irrelevant. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to afford a Ghostly Hero (ded is fine with me); there's nothing else to save for, anyway.
I am curious, however, about the pricing of the sell-my-soul-and-maybe-my-car minipets. These include the Kanaxai, Panda, and Island Guardian (maybe the MKG, but it's too early to say much about it).
What is most interesting to me is the price of the Panda and I.G. These pets are almost twice as common as a Visu, but the prices are far, far greater for them. I could understand these prices under some circumstances, but not with the current player base of the game.
If the game were dominated by girls who found the Panda cute or Asian players who wanted the pet for cultural reasons, the price would be understandable. Likewise, if the majority of players smoked week on a regular basis, the IG's price would make sense.
But most of the players are Western males (ages fairly irrelevant, imo, for this observation). It seems to me that this demographic would be more interested in showing off a sexy little assassin girl (Visu), especially when she is twice as rare as the Panda or IG.
I, for one, know quite a few more people with Pandas than Visu, so it's not that all of the Pandas are on dead accounts. And what is the most odd to me is that I know more players who want Visu than want either of those two pets. Hell, I know more people who want Polar Bears than Pandas.
The reasoning for the prices truly escapes me. The upside, at least, is that players who want the mini for reasons other than powertrading for crazy amounts of armbraces have a fairly realistic chance to own a Visu.
What are your thoughts? I must conclude by saying I fully understand why Kanaxai has its current price; a demon dual-wielding axes is pro.
Sorry for the epic amount of text. At least I broke up graphs for you