Snowballarena, a z-quest
This is just a small idea. Anyways, wouldn't it be cool if the Z-combat quest was snowballarena? Say on christmas eve, or just randomly during wintersday. This could be applied to all hollidays.
Bob Slydell
I don't see why not, I like the idea.
Maybe for the future, a dragon arena Z quest too.
Maybe for the future, a dragon arena Z quest too.
I like it. Event only Z-Quests....This has possibilities.
Shadowspawn X
Very good idea.
Very good idea.
I thought that this was kind of a no-brainer. I was very surprised that it wasn't the quest in the first day of wintersday. Is there really any reason for it not to be a zquest?
I thought that this was kind of a no-brainer. I was very surprised that it wasn't the quest in the first day of wintersday. Is there really any reason for it not to be a zquest?
The Arching Healer
GvG zquest counts for Snowball AT matches >.<
My New Name
it is win
it is win
sure why not
Reverend Dr
Z quests are there to artificially increase interest in arenas. The arenas mentioned hardly need anything extra to increase interest, it would merely be handing out more rewards.
cruncher pwnz
Eragon Zarroc
/signed, would be awesome
zaishen r not wimps they dont play wit snow