1 Furious Gemstone Axe of Fortitude
6-28 req 10
double adrenaline 10%
hp +29
2 Sundering chaos axe of fort
6-28 req 10
dmg +14% in stance
armor penetration 20%/19%
hp +29
3 Sundering Ruby Maul of fort
19-35 req 10
Armor penetration 20%/19%
4 Copper Crusher of Fortitude
19-35 req 12
5 Zealous Elemental Sword of Deathbane
energy +1 on hit
energy regen-1
dmg +15%
energy -5
dmg 19% vs undead
6 poisonous crescent axe of shelter
6-28 req 9
poison 33%
armor +7
dmg 15% while enchanted
7 Fiery greater glyphic maul of fortitude
fire dmg 19-35 req 9
hp +29
pc on a few gold items plz =)
King Bannian
insc? im going to assume so, and give the following pc's..
1. salvage the 15^50 and 10% mods, 1k/ea. sell the axe for 1-3k maybe
2 15-20k i think if insc.
3 again salvage 15^50, sell for 1k. skin should go 1-3k.
4 salvage and sell 15^50 (1k). skin might get 1k with r12. probably merch.
5 what is req? salvage zealous, sell 1.5-2k. r9 skin goes ~10k, r10 v5k, r11-13, just merch.
6 1-3k.
7 salvage 15^50, sell 1k. skin goes @ 1k.
King Vesica XLL
1. salvage the 15^50 and 10% mods, 1k/ea. sell the axe for 1-3k maybe
2 15-20k i think if insc.
3 again salvage 15^50, sell for 1k. skin should go 1-3k.
4 salvage and sell 15^50 (1k). skin might get 1k with r12. probably merch.
5 what is req? salvage zealous, sell 1.5-2k. r9 skin goes ~10k, r10 v5k, r11-13, just merch.
6 1-3k.
7 salvage 15^50, sell 1k. skin goes @ 1k.
King Vesica XLL