Cannot connect
Ranger Kid
Is anyone not able to log in right now. it says connecting..... and stays there
Eragon Zarroc
completely capable of logging in.
Alot of people have been having trouble it issue here though...
I can log in but the lag is horrendous and I keep getting disconected. It happens during every event. Loads of fun.
i would suggest checking your router i went and bought a new wireless one and now im having no problems logging in. the lag is still horrible *grin*
Malice Black
Same issue here. Was up to 100k ping last night.
Nerf Me Haha
I don't have much problems logging in, the game is still unplayable tho because of the huge lagg.
GG Anet, GG - no reason to make special events on the holidays if we can't play them.
GG Anet, GG - no reason to make special events on the holidays if we can't play them.