PC on Gemstone Axe/Crested Machete


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Venata Una (Vu)


Gemston Axe of Fortitude
max damage (req9)
+14% dmg
-5 energy

Icy Crested Machete of Defence
max damage (req9)
armour +5
halves casting time of skills (10%)

any ideas are appreciated

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

if inscribable,
salvage +30 off gemstone, sell for 2-3k.
r9 insc gemstone axe goes 3-5k.

salvage HCT 10%, goes for 2k. armor +5 can go 1-2k as well.
r9 insc crested machete gets 1-3k.

if non insc, still salvage mods previously mentioned, then merch the weapons.

King Vesica XLL