All items are gold and max. Wondering if they're worth selling to players, and if so, for how much; or to just "merch" them.
Inscribable items:
-R.9 Fiery Golden Machete of Fortitude
Fire Damage
Health +29
"Strength And Honor" (15^50)
-R.9 Furious Shadow Axe
Double Adrenaline 10%
"Dance With Death" (+15% in Stance)
-R.10 Sundering Notched Blade of Warding
Armour Penetration 20/20
Armour +7 vs. Elemental
"I Have The Power" (+5 Energy)
-R.9 Ivory Bow of Shelter
Armour +7 vs. Physical
"Guided By Fate" (+15% Enchanted)
-R.11 Ebon Platinum Longbow of Marksmanship
Earth Damage
Marksmanship +1/19%
"Don't Think Twice" (HST 10%)
-R.10 Inspiration, Insightful Dragon Spire Staff of Fortitude
HSR Spells 20%
Health +29
Enchantments 20%
"Strength And Honor" (15^50)
-R.10 Inspiration, Insightful Dragon Spire Staff of Fortitude
HSR Spells 20%
Energy +5
Health +29
"Dance With Death" (+15% in Stance)
Non-inscribable items:
-R.10 Cruel Gavel of the Nephilim of Defence
Damage +15% Enchanted
Deep Wound +33%
Defence +5
-R.10 Furious Zodiac Hammer of Hammer Mastery
Double Adrenaline 10%
Hammer Mastery +1/20%
-R.11 Zodiac Axe
+15% in Stance
Energy Gain 1/-1
-R.11 Icy Storm Bow of Shelter
Cold Damage
Damage +15% Enchanted
Armour +7 Physical
-R.10 Spawning, Defensive Zodiac Staff
HCR Spells 20%
HCT Healing 20%
Armour +5
-R.12 Spawning, Zodiac Scepter
HSR 9%
+5 Energy >50%
Price check on some items
King Bannian
gavel v5k.
zodiac hammer v5k. (no inherent.. r10.. 5k would even be difficult)
zodiac axe ~5k. maybe a bit less.
King Vesica XLL
zodiac hammer v5k. (no inherent.. r10.. 5k would even be difficult)
zodiac axe ~5k. maybe a bit less.
King Vesica XLL
I agree with Banian on approx. ~5k for each. I wouldn't say that the sceptor would be much more either.
Thank you. Any other opinions on prices?
(updated first post)
(updated first post)
Bump, and added some more.
12 characters
12 characters
12 characters
12 characters
Bump, and added a Storm Bow.
12 characters
12 characters
12 characters
12 characters
-R.9 Fiery Golden Machete of Fortitude - ~3k clean
-R.9 Furious Shadow Axe - ~5k clean
-R.10 Sundering Notched Blade of Warding - IDK
-R.9 Ivory Bow of Shelter - ~3k
-R.11 Ebon Platinum Longbow of Marksmanship - merch
-R.10 Inspiration, Insightful Dragon Spire Staff of Fortitude - salvage / merch
-R.10 Inspiration, Insightful Dragon Spire Staff of Fortitude - salvage / merch
-R.9 Furious Shadow Axe - ~5k clean
-R.10 Sundering Notched Blade of Warding - IDK
-R.9 Ivory Bow of Shelter - ~3k
-R.11 Ebon Platinum Longbow of Marksmanship - merch
-R.10 Inspiration, Insightful Dragon Spire Staff of Fortitude - salvage / merch
-R.10 Inspiration, Insightful Dragon Spire Staff of Fortitude - salvage / merch