Gate of Madness -> HM + Masters
Tell me everything you know from personal experience, your successful H/H strategies, whatever. I didn't gather much from the wiki other than "uber-micro your heroes against Shiro when he uses Battle Scars".
This is my last mission for Legendary Guardian, so I wanna make this count.
This is my last mission for Legendary Guardian, so I wanna make this count.
x sithis x
lol just bring pi and shiro should be like holy banana hammock lol & bring a SoS & an ER protter should make things pretty darn easy
Once you clear out the portals and are about to approach the gate, inch forward until shiro and the lich start talking (but they won't be at the center yet). Head back to the gateway, when the dialogue ends, the two of them will appear spaced appart inthe center of the pit.
Hug the right wall and inch forward towards the liche until you aggro him and he starts following (If you aggro both at once, it'll be impossible to separate them after). Run back to the gateway, that's about as far as he'll go. From there, disable all enchants (his enchant stripping skill hurts, badly) on heroes and don't use any yourself, and he should drop like a sack of potatoes.
From there, Shiro doesn't do that much damage until his health is below about 60%, so just run past him while capping shrines (dont' forget to re-enable the enchants on heroes.) If you bite off more than you can chew and need to lose shiro, just hide in a corner of one of the shrines (Just flag your heroes in one of the very back corners, he always breaks aggro) and wait until he returns to the center.
The rest of the mish should be pretty easy as long as you have a team capable of doing gate of pain.
Hug the right wall and inch forward towards the liche until you aggro him and he starts following (If you aggro both at once, it'll be impossible to separate them after). Run back to the gateway, that's about as far as he'll go. From there, disable all enchants (his enchant stripping skill hurts, badly) on heroes and don't use any yourself, and he should drop like a sack of potatoes.
From there, Shiro doesn't do that much damage until his health is below about 60%, so just run past him while capping shrines (dont' forget to re-enable the enchants on heroes.) If you bite off more than you can chew and need to lose shiro, just hide in a corner of one of the shrines (Just flag your heroes in one of the very back corners, he always breaks aggro) and wait until he returns to the center.
The rest of the mish should be pretty easy as long as you have a team capable of doing gate of pain.
Run normal 8 man build with a few anti shiros, Empathy SS, PI Etc.
Once all gates are destroyed, stand outside range of any shrines/lich/shiro
Flag heroes to all shrines 1 by one, no enemies with spawn on them, easy caps.
Once all are capped, slide down side and aggro lich, take him out
Kill Shiro, done, no ridiculous capping with shiro on you
Once all gates are destroyed, stand outside range of any shrines/lich/shiro
Flag heroes to all shrines 1 by one, no enemies with spawn on them, easy caps.
Once all are capped, slide down side and aggro lich, take him out
Kill Shiro, done, no ridiculous capping with shiro on you
Mustache Mayhem
another easy way without special builds.. take margrid as a r/w.. setup a nice damage build with high expertise.. put in the blocks on her bar along with wild blow and switch her to axe when you get to pulling him up to the door.. she makes a great tank for shiro and battle scars will stay down
Sir Tieger
To confirm the tactic that IronSheik suggested. This works brilliantly in HM.
You clear the portals like normal then just open your U map and flag all hero's from shrine to shrine capping one after the other. So long as you have capped them all it doesn't matter afterwards if they get retaken. You will still be credited.
Then its just a case of taking out the Lich and Shiro with the techniques mentioned.
Also if you can get someone to accompany you with their hero's. Then you can speed up the process by capping 2 different shrines at the same time.
You clear the portals like normal then just open your U map and flag all hero's from shrine to shrine capping one after the other. So long as you have capped them all it doesn't matter afterwards if they get retaken. You will still be credited.
Then its just a case of taking out the Lich and Shiro with the techniques mentioned.
Also if you can get someone to accompany you with their hero's. Then you can speed up the process by capping 2 different shrines at the same time.
Disregard everything I said, I fellate men.
Pulled it my first try with an AP caller Prot build (Pain Inverter and all), stance Margrid with DBlow and DShot, Xandra pulling spirit block with added Shadowsong, Livia healing with extra SS support, Herta, Odurra, Mhenlo, and Kihm. The body of the mission was made more difficult due to lack of damage output, but thankfully Margonite Clerics literally can't heal to save their lives.
+1 Leg. Guardian
Pulled it my first try with an AP caller Prot build (Pain Inverter and all), stance Margrid with DBlow and DShot, Xandra pulling spirit block with added Shadowsong, Livia healing with extra SS support, Herta, Odurra, Mhenlo, and Kihm. The body of the mission was made more difficult due to lack of damage output, but thankfully Margonite Clerics literally can't heal to save their lives.
+1 Leg. Guardian
I ran a standard SoS rit, Dunk as a WoH healer, and an MoW as SS. I was an imbagon with wild throw. By the time I capped the shrines, shiro was almost dead, and the lich was already dead. The mission is fairly easy, just drop spirits on your way up to the shrine, and they will distract Shiro, and your basically free to capture at your leisure.
Me as Warrior with:
Heroes: Protection Monk / Spoil Victor Necromancer / Hydromancer
Henchmen: 2 Monks / 2 Elementalists
Lure out the Lich.
After killing him, disable your Hero's attack, but keep a Water snare and Blurred Vision open, and target Shiro for your Hydromancer.
Flag Henchmen to first shrine and capture it, might have to flag them more while capping so they won't run all wild with Shiro around.
After capping a shrine flag Henchmen at next shrine and continue.
After capping all shrines, spread out Hero flags around Shiro and kill him. Shouldn't have to micromanage anything. Maybe activate Spoil Victor if your hero is lazy casting it on Shiro.
Heroes: Protection Monk / Spoil Victor Necromancer / Hydromancer
Henchmen: 2 Monks / 2 Elementalists
Lure out the Lich.
After killing him, disable your Hero's attack, but keep a Water snare and Blurred Vision open, and target Shiro for your Hydromancer.
Flag Henchmen to first shrine and capture it, might have to flag them more while capping so they won't run all wild with Shiro around.
After capping a shrine flag Henchmen at next shrine and continue.
After capping all shrines, spread out Hero flags around Shiro and kill him. Shouldn't have to micromanage anything. Maybe activate Spoil Victor if your hero is lazy casting it on Shiro.
There's no advantage to killing the Lich first. Kill Shiro first because he's easier to pull. And definitely use your H/H to cap the shrines, but if you do, do not aggro the bosses until the H/H have all left the temple. This causes the mission to glitch, and the bosses never become enemies.
I tanked Shiro with a bonder (+Wild Blow) because I couldn't get my H/H to behave when trying to kill him with PI, but there are lots of different things that work.
I tanked Shiro with a bonder (+Wild Blow) because I couldn't get my H/H to behave when trying to kill him with PI, but there are lots of different things that work.
Originally Posted by Mobiusman

There's no advantage to killing the Lich first. Kill Shiro first because he's easier to pull. And definitely use your H/H to cap the shrines, but if you do, do not aggro the bosses until the H/H have all left the temple. This causes the mission to glitch, and the bosses never become enemies.
I tanked Shiro with a bonder (+Wild Blow) because I couldn't get my H/H to behave when trying to kill him with PI, but there are lots of different things that work. My spirit wall was excellent at making him sit still.
I tanked Shiro with a bonder (+Wild Blow) because I couldn't get my H/H to behave when trying to kill him with PI, but there are lots of different things that work. My spirit wall was excellent at making him sit still.