PC Ded Dhuum

Shesi Celerere

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007


So I have been trying to figure this out. From what I see on the forums, please correct me if I am wrong, but an unded dhuum goes for about 750e max. But then when I have been trying to buy a ded dhuum recently, the lowest I had people be willing to sell a ded for was 550e. It seems to me that they should be closer to 300e based on the prices of other high end minis and their dedicated counterparts. Am I correct in all this, or am I missing something here. What are all you thinking about the prices on these? Anything you all have to say would be of great help.

roadrunner meep meep

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2009



i had some one offer to sell to me for like 300e a week back so shld still be the same