Costume headgears in PvP
I suggests that the newly implemented costume head gears to be visible during PvP play. It presents no real problem to PvP play as it acts similarly to a Mo Zhing Mask or a Dread Mask, just with more variety.
Furthermore, considering the fact that festival hats were permitted before the update (with the added setback of the 0AL of course), I can't see a reason why this should not be an option.
Body costumes on the other hand, should remain the same. This is due to the fact it could be disruptive to competitive PvP play as it can hide physical character professions and teams wearing the same costume could potentially confuse another team.
Lastly, it would be nice to see some variety (and creativity) in head gear and armor combination during PvP =)
Furthermore, considering the fact that festival hats were permitted before the update (with the added setback of the 0AL of course), I can't see a reason why this should not be an option.
Body costumes on the other hand, should remain the same. This is due to the fact it could be disruptive to competitive PvP play as it can hide physical character professions and teams wearing the same costume could potentially confuse another team.
Lastly, it would be nice to see some variety (and creativity) in head gear and armor combination during PvP =)
Bob Slydell
Good Idea, I don't understand why they won't let you have them on in PvP..silly
snowball arena is not the same without a wintersday hat
snowball arena is not the same without a wintersday hat
Wait... they're not visible in pvp?
Shayne Hawke
I'd at least like to see this return for festival arenas. Not so sure it matters for real PvP, but I wouldn't be against that happening either.
own age myname
Dawn Angelheart
It would make me very happy.
Eragon Zarroc
they do not prevent people from identifying the professions of the players by sight.
they do not prevent people from identifying the professions of the players by sight.
Levothar Kingdom
I love my hats
I love my hats
This is the reason I didn't buy the new outfits... I don't see why PvP players are excluded...
This is the reason I didn't buy the new outfits... I don't see why PvP players are excluded...
Game balance has greater issues than costume headgear.
Game balance has greater issues than costume headgear.

I went into snowball arena wearing my lovely Glacial Gauntlets and Icy Hat combo, and WTF the hat doesnt show

Turbo Ginsu
I'm all for this. I was all for the useable masks with no negative effects in the first place, and have been for at least 3 years. Makes no sense to add a hugely wanted feature, and then disable it for not only normal pvp, but also(And most puzzlingly)for the games that are a feature of the events that the masks are from.
How about allow festival headgear to be used in PVP? Treat it like common headgear.
Lithril Ashwalker
yeah, the only reason they dont allow it in pvp is because "we cant distinguish an ele from a warrior"...common sense says click on your enemy and see the E/mo or W/A
Kopa The Demon King
I still have a pre costume pack Rudi mask and a pre costume pack zombie mask i wear
I still have a pre costume pack Rudi mask and a pre costume pack zombie mask i wear

Zodiac Meteor
Costumes I kind of understand, but head gear should be allowed.
Costumes I kind of understand, but head gear should be allowed.
Shayne Hawke
I am neutral as far as allowing it in the real PvP of RA, GvG, HA, CA, etc., but it should at least be allowable in arenas such as Dragon Arena or Snowball.
Also, costumes are a flat "no" for real PvP, but are maybe acceptable in some festival arenas. You run the risk of running into the same "I don't know what kind of character that is just by looking at it" problem in Snowball.
Also, costumes are a flat "no" for real PvP, but are maybe acceptable in some festival arenas. You run the risk of running into the same "I don't know what kind of character that is just by looking at it" problem in Snowball.
X Ghoul
/agree, but I would laugh my ass off if I went against a group of 8 other players wearing big ridiculous lion masks dyed in a sequence like a rainbow
who really recognizes their opponent by their headgear
/signed (see I can be agreeable sometimes)
/signed (see I can be agreeable sometimes)
I want to wear my skull paint when I hack someone up. While we're at it, I like having costumes available as well.
I want to wear my skull paint when I hack someone up. While we're at it, I like having costumes available as well.
/signed for headgear, although I know Anet will not do it.
pffft! Isn't that the usual word around here? (like I haven't heard it 100 times already *rolleyes*)
Terrible Surgeon
Tab for opponent information...SPACE to engage...3 to dshot...head gear would be awesome and yeah..who deciphers an opponent by the head gear used?
The Drunkard
The search function is your friend...
/signed anyway
/signed anyway
Shayne Hawke
Forgot there was an older thread.