I need HELP for christmas!!!
HELP! I've tried contacting ncsoft, even used their tech support line (2 hr hold, then a disconnect. Left voicemail, no return call).
I want to buy access keys online to give as a christmas gift. The only way to buy is through your ncsoft master account. Now, it does say that you do not have to click on the link to add these keys to your account immediately, you can add them in-game later.
My concern is, I give these keys as a gift, they're added to someone else's acccount, and are immediately flagged as hacked/stolen accounts.
Please, no guesses. Has anyone out there bought access keys through the ncsoft store, on their master account, and given them as gifts with no problems? I'm quickly running out of time!
I want to buy access keys online to give as a christmas gift. The only way to buy is through your ncsoft master account. Now, it does say that you do not have to click on the link to add these keys to your account immediately, you can add them in-game later.
My concern is, I give these keys as a gift, they're added to someone else's acccount, and are immediately flagged as hacked/stolen accounts.
Please, no guesses. Has anyone out there bought access keys through the ncsoft store, on their master account, and given them as gifts with no problems? I'm quickly running out of time!
Can't you just create a new master account and buy them that way? Then give the key codes as the gift?
But they already have a master account and if I ask them for the info, I'm giving away the gift. Also, if I just give them the cash, they'll do the "responsible" thing and pay bills.
Gunnar Ironbow
Can I ask What your buying?If its a campaign,go to the store?
Access keys for Factions and Nightfall, getting two copies of EOTN free. Where I live, the only thing you can buy in a store is the trilogy pack. No place around here has anything else, and it's too late to order from amazon and have it by tomorrow.
Shouldnt have procrastinate
Also, if I just give them the cash, they'll do the "responsible" thing and pay bills.
Not sure how dire your friends situation is, but sometimes the best gift is what they really need. I know the last thing I want from any of my friends right now is any sort of computer game etc. Pay my cell phone bill so I can use it for a job search. Get the tabs on my car renewed so I can drive it to an interview.
Not sure how dire your friends situation is, but sometimes the best gift is what they really need. I know the last thing I want from any of my friends right now is any sort of computer game etc. Pay my cell phone bill so I can use it for a job search. Get the tabs on my car renewed so I can drive it to an interview. |
Another Felldspar
Buy a prepaid Visa card and give them the number of the card to apply to their account through the In-Game store. They won't have the card itself and so can't use it out in the bigger world, but can still get the game, which is what you want. Just stipulate what you want it to be used for.
II Lucky Charm II
Give them the money... They have legs and hands; they can buy the game themselves.
Give them a trial account, then they can use your money and buy the games from the online store.
Mustache Mayhem
lemme check.. couldn't find anything on that specifically but it looks like the key is filed under unused when bought under your account- I'd just be guessing but it'd probably work on any account.. I'd get support to give the final word on it
Eragon Zarroc
procrastinating a bit on ur christmas gifts eh?

Apollo Smile
Gift it to them on Steam.
Yep, this is the only option for keys. I finally got a call back from ncsoft. the keys are locked to the account you bought them on in the nc store.
Thanks for the helpful responses, at least I had gotten a couple other ideas on how to do it before ncsoft finally returned my call.
I have no idea how to request a thread be closed, so any mods reading this, the issue is resolved. Thanks again.
Thanks for the helpful responses, at least I had gotten a couple other ideas on how to do it before ncsoft finally returned my call.
I have no idea how to request a thread be closed, so any mods reading this, the issue is resolved. Thanks again.
I'd vote Steam. The other option would be to just buy the retail package and email them the codes from that. They can still download the client for free from guildwars.com instead of installing from the CD.