Euro districts
dunno where to put this but anyway...the past week i have been in and out of europe ENGLISH district 1 in LA...and not 1 person speaks english in it?!...any chance u could drop the polish/russian district and give them a dutch channel regina?
or u guys go to say district 2 and jabba away in there?
or u guys go to say district 2 and jabba away in there?
Wait, there were people in EU-E?
...Why Dont You Just Go To American Dist's? Most People Are English Speaking There And If Your Getting Bad Ping Switch To Amer/Dis 2+
Poland Is In The Eu.. Lol
Poland Is In The Eu.. Lol
Don't come to American district.
I need to get the presents to those poor present-less children.
Dagummit goblins!
I need to get the presents to those poor present-less children.
Dagummit goblins!
Regina Buenaobra
dunno where to put this but anyway...the past week i have been in and out of europe ENGLISH district 1 in LA...and not 1 person speaks english in it?!...any chance u could drop the polish/russian district and give them a dutch channel regina?
or u guys go to say district 2 and jabba away in there? |
I know pings can be high for people on the other side of the world when connecting to a NCsoft Texas servers. If you aren't tolerant of other languages and get annoyed the America English districts tend to hang people socially if anyone speaks anything other than English.
It would be nice if every major language had it's own home district but, separating the player base is not what GW is about.
I to sometimes get annoyed when I can't understand what someone is saying, an in-game translator would be some sweet piece a tech. Although I think Anet as better things to do with their time in GW1.
It would be nice if every major language had it's own home district but, separating the player base is not what GW is about.
I to sometimes get annoyed when I can't understand what someone is saying, an in-game translator would be some sweet piece a tech. Although I think Anet as better things to do with their time in GW1.
I always enjoy the fact to see so many people from so many different countries speaking so many different languages. I wouldn't want that to change.
Do note that "so many" is relative for GWs current population.
Do note that "so many" is relative for GWs current population.

I would love dutch districts :P
You have far too many languages present to have districts for all of them, and if you did, the districts would be too small and people would flow over to the more populous ones. Already many europeans play over in the US districts because there are more players there.
And wherever you have people, they will speak what they will.
It's annoying, but then, who are we to tell people what to do.
And wherever you have people, they will speak what they will.
It's annoying, but then, who are we to tell people what to do.
I just wish people who were in English districts, actually USED English. If you don't want to use English, take it to the International District, which should after all be home district of any language which doesn't have a home district.
Not using English in an English district, is just plain rude. Nothing worse than zoning into an Euro-English district and finding walls of text from Dutch people (in Dutch), often abusing English people who ask them to at least respect the language of the district.
This has been a problem for a while, is basically just getting worse now.
Not using English in an English district, is just plain rude. Nothing worse than zoning into an Euro-English district and finding walls of text from Dutch people (in Dutch), often abusing English people who ask them to at least respect the language of the district.
This has been a problem for a while, is basically just getting worse now.
Kenzo Skunk
Invasion of Dutch Speaking English District Snatchers
in cinemas from dec.2009
in cinemas from dec.2009
i left EU and went to AM because it's to empty in EU since there are already to many different districts! I know many people are against it but i would suggest that you merge the EU districts again.
You will never manage to have just english in EU-E, after all we are just humans...
You will never manage to have just english in EU-E, after all we are just humans...
I rather speak English then Dutch to be honest I even speak English with my Dutch friends and they speak English back I just got used to It.
But yes Dutch servers for ping would be awesome..
But yes Dutch servers for ping would be awesome..
Again.. as a player from the UK, I quickly decided to hop over to the US servers. May as well go where the majority of the English speaking players are.
Now, I'm going to say something very unpopular, but since the population of active players has been shrinking for a long time, it's pretty obvious to everyone we will eventually come to a point that we will have less players than we had in first month of the launch of the game (been there, done that - on multiple trial accounts and shortly after got the game itself).
I'm afraid that Anet's moral duty is to merge all of the localised EU districts into one, big ENGLISH (or simply EU so some people won't feel offended, but the end result will be the same ...) series of districts for the good of this game. Why? Because districts are empty. Entire purpose of districts is meeting other people.
Previously introduced 'party search' module was said to reduce the problem of wide-spread community, but in the end not many people use it at all and there are still many who act like this feature didn't exist. So, they just hop from district to district, while you do exactly the same ... in turn everyone is hopping districts and no teams are formed, better yet, impression of emptiness is astounding. Now, I'm not talking about abandoned prophecies outposts but generally about any outpost which is not Spamadan ENG-1.
Now, of course we have a big problem, since publishers in localised countries will go berserk that they can't advertise that their game not only has localised language but also districts and that could mean breaching some kind of permanent (theoretically) agreements.
So what's the problem exactly, why it's not as easy as 'quote my post, write 'gtfo noob, you have party search!' or 'game is dying, stop QQ!''? It's not as easy because there are still people wishing to play this game, but not necessarily committed enough to enter it few days in a week and participate in a guild. Basically such people now have nobody to play with and are given false impression that nobody is in the outpost. Something as silly as merging ENG, DEU and FRA districts would already do wonders. But hey, explain to proud Frenchman now that he 'has' to use English now? No sarcasm intended, but that's what will happen.
Basically, Anet has shot it's own feet with introducing localised districts, since the beginning. I remember that when there were very few different kinds of EU districts and playerbase was moderately big such problem wasn't the case. I could go to FRA or DEU district, shout anything in English and I would get immediate attention when it came to joining or forming a party and then discussing strategy, tactics, skill bars and all else.
These people (dunno, maybe matter of education program in school or simple good manners?), even if on their own districts, didn't create unnecessary communication problems. But that was early. When more different districts were introduced, FRA and DEU were no longer treated by their primary users as 'global-national' districts, but many started to act in a way they were their sole property and if you don't speak their language you don't 'deserve' to even talk to them.
Now, this is heavy kind of b-shit, but I could clearly notice it after launch of Nightfall. This was most noticeable on arrogant Polish players (mainly kids I guess?), who deliberately cursed everyone who came to their district, refused to talk in understandable English and even deliberately joined English districts to talk in their native language.
I remember all the hype then, they felt like they are gods and no longer 'second-category' users because their version was localised. Sadly, attitude of most of them towards other nationalities and players in general was unacceptable. This was true more or less for other localised versions in other languages, but since I'm Polish I saw this disaster on my own eyes and for that simple fact I can't be biased, it's not national rant but example from my own experience of playing this game close to 4 years.
Now, I could imagine many other users to get 'diseased' with this attitude and start to act rude as well. Now, when I join Deutsch or French district I'm basically forced to speak in German/French and have good grammar, otherwise chance is good they will rather take their own folk instead of me to the team. It wasn't uncommon for me as well to get cursed for shouting in English. It's not matter of generalisation, I'm merely saying that such behaviour was considered unacceptable and was quite uncommon back at the time there was only Prophecies campaign (speaking from my experience). Level of manners and social norms was way higher, so do the willingness to communicate with foreigners even on own districts. My belief is that it was closely connected with small number of localised versions as well as good English and manners of it's players.
Ironically enough, problem wouldn't exist if there was only ENGLISH/EU district on EU part since the beginning. Everyone who wanted to play this game would feel the need to read and write in understandable English, just like it pretty much was at the game's launch. That sole need of learning (for many) foreign language set the bar much higher for all newcomers and greatly contributed to more mature player base. Now, save me your national rants, because from my experience game was much better back then when everyone at least tried to use most common and effective means of communication, and that was English language.
So, that's it.
TL'DR' - Localised districts serve no gameplay purpose. We need to get rid of them, even if it's too late now. Certainly something to rethink in upcoming GW2, which won't last for ages no matter your delusions and wishes.
I'm afraid that Anet's moral duty is to merge all of the localised EU districts into one, big ENGLISH (or simply EU so some people won't feel offended, but the end result will be the same ...) series of districts for the good of this game. Why? Because districts are empty. Entire purpose of districts is meeting other people.
Previously introduced 'party search' module was said to reduce the problem of wide-spread community, but in the end not many people use it at all and there are still many who act like this feature didn't exist. So, they just hop from district to district, while you do exactly the same ... in turn everyone is hopping districts and no teams are formed, better yet, impression of emptiness is astounding. Now, I'm not talking about abandoned prophecies outposts but generally about any outpost which is not Spamadan ENG-1.
Now, of course we have a big problem, since publishers in localised countries will go berserk that they can't advertise that their game not only has localised language but also districts and that could mean breaching some kind of permanent (theoretically) agreements.
So what's the problem exactly, why it's not as easy as 'quote my post, write 'gtfo noob, you have party search!' or 'game is dying, stop QQ!''? It's not as easy because there are still people wishing to play this game, but not necessarily committed enough to enter it few days in a week and participate in a guild. Basically such people now have nobody to play with and are given false impression that nobody is in the outpost. Something as silly as merging ENG, DEU and FRA districts would already do wonders. But hey, explain to proud Frenchman now that he 'has' to use English now? No sarcasm intended, but that's what will happen.
Basically, Anet has shot it's own feet with introducing localised districts, since the beginning. I remember that when there were very few different kinds of EU districts and playerbase was moderately big such problem wasn't the case. I could go to FRA or DEU district, shout anything in English and I would get immediate attention when it came to joining or forming a party and then discussing strategy, tactics, skill bars and all else.
These people (dunno, maybe matter of education program in school or simple good manners?), even if on their own districts, didn't create unnecessary communication problems. But that was early. When more different districts were introduced, FRA and DEU were no longer treated by their primary users as 'global-national' districts, but many started to act in a way they were their sole property and if you don't speak their language you don't 'deserve' to even talk to them.
Now, this is heavy kind of b-shit, but I could clearly notice it after launch of Nightfall. This was most noticeable on arrogant Polish players (mainly kids I guess?), who deliberately cursed everyone who came to their district, refused to talk in understandable English and even deliberately joined English districts to talk in their native language.
I remember all the hype then, they felt like they are gods and no longer 'second-category' users because their version was localised. Sadly, attitude of most of them towards other nationalities and players in general was unacceptable. This was true more or less for other localised versions in other languages, but since I'm Polish I saw this disaster on my own eyes and for that simple fact I can't be biased, it's not national rant but example from my own experience of playing this game close to 4 years.
Now, I could imagine many other users to get 'diseased' with this attitude and start to act rude as well. Now, when I join Deutsch or French district I'm basically forced to speak in German/French and have good grammar, otherwise chance is good they will rather take their own folk instead of me to the team. It wasn't uncommon for me as well to get cursed for shouting in English. It's not matter of generalisation, I'm merely saying that such behaviour was considered unacceptable and was quite uncommon back at the time there was only Prophecies campaign (speaking from my experience). Level of manners and social norms was way higher, so do the willingness to communicate with foreigners even on own districts. My belief is that it was closely connected with small number of localised versions as well as good English and manners of it's players.
Ironically enough, problem wouldn't exist if there was only ENGLISH/EU district on EU part since the beginning. Everyone who wanted to play this game would feel the need to read and write in understandable English, just like it pretty much was at the game's launch. That sole need of learning (for many) foreign language set the bar much higher for all newcomers and greatly contributed to more mature player base. Now, save me your national rants, because from my experience game was much better back then when everyone at least tried to use most common and effective means of communication, and that was English language.
So, that's it.
TL'DR' - Localised districts serve no gameplay purpose. We need to get rid of them, even if it's too late now. Certainly something to rethink in upcoming GW2, which won't last for ages no matter your delusions and wishes.
AmbientMelody, French and German EU districts are still pretty big. So I see no need to merge those two.
Also, apparently isn't true, because Dutch players are talking Dutch in the English district, thus not feeling the need to read and write in understandable English.
Also, apparently isn't true, because Dutch players are talking Dutch in the English district, thus not feeling the need to read and write in understandable English.
Maybe Americans shouldn't be so arrogant as to think everybody speaks/writes English when they themselves can only speak one language? Europe-English is the standard district Dutch people are put in, not International. Maybe Europe-English should be changed to Europe-General, and leave America-English as an exclusive English-speaking district. Even then, why would two or more Dutch people converse with each other in English?
P.S. Playing the game requires a different level of English than speaking/writing fluently. I'm in a Dutch alliance and I know many of them aren't that good in writing English. Sure, they can type the regular pug stuff, but actual conversations are much harder. If they're talking to other Dutch people, Dutch is a logical choice for them.
P.S. Playing the game requires a different level of English than speaking/writing fluently. I'm in a Dutch alliance and I know many of them aren't that good in writing English. Sure, they can type the regular pug stuff, but actual conversations are much harder. If they're talking to other Dutch people, Dutch is a logical choice for them.
but im not american... im an english european....i cant run my game on american servers as they make me lagg to i have to stay in a server full of gibberish??...i never go to french or german district as i respect that its for them (and i dont understand them lol).
AmbientMelody, French and German EU districts are still pretty big. So I see no need to merge those two.
Also, apparently isn't true, because Dutch players are talking Dutch in the English district, thus not feeling the need to read and write in understandable English. |
I myself find it a must to join AM districts instead, while I still remember times when most of the jerks were on AM districts while ENG ones were like oasis on the desert. Well, I guess times change, the policy of introducing more and more 'local' districts has just taken it's toll on the game itself. It would be much better if everyone just united under a single banner of 'gw player' in districts for everyone instead of isolating in remote 'local' districts.
Also, spare me the wall'o'text in previous post, the entire idea was that the change of mentality changed attitudes of gamers, thus moonspeak, spam and insults on English channels as well as hostile attitude to English-speaking players on local districts became a social norm, while at first such behaviour was considered worth of a report and social stigma accompanying the offender.
You don't understand the point.
Imagine the following situation:
- The game is localised in Dutch.
- You are American, you only speak English, but can get by playing the game by knowing a little Dutch.
- The districts are: Dutch, French, German.
- You are automatically put into the Dutch district when starting the game.
What do you do? You stop talking to other Americans in English altogether? Don't think so.
Reverse the situation and you know how it is for Dutch people.
Imagine the following situation:
- The game is localised in Dutch.
- You are American, you only speak English, but can get by playing the game by knowing a little Dutch.
- The districts are: Dutch, French, German.
- You are automatically put into the Dutch district when starting the game.
What do you do? You stop talking to other Americans in English altogether? Don't think so.
Reverse the situation and you know how it is for Dutch people.
but im not american... im an english european....i cant run my game on american servers as they make me lagg to i have to stay in a server full of gibberish??...i never go to french or german district as i respect that its for them (and i dont understand them lol).
That's what I said. The problem is in mentality, massed marketing based on 'hey buy this game, you can be a fag and not understand English at all but you can still play it!' (real-life example, I met a guy who couldn't understand and write in English on a basic level and even had problems with his native language ... 12 y. old kiddo, educational fail) brought loads of players with disrespectful, selfish attitude, more concerned about themselves than putting up their own national pride and using a language everyone else can understand.
I myself find it a must to join AM districts instead, while I still remember times when most of the jerks were on AM districts while ENG ones were like oasis on the desert. Well, I guess times change, the policy of introducing more and more 'local' districts has just taken it's toll on the game itself. It would be much better if everyone just united under a single banner of 'gw player' in districts for everyone instead of isolating in remote 'local' districts. Also, spare me the wall'o'text in previous post, the entire idea was that the change of mentality changed attitudes of gamers, thus moonspeak, spam and insults on English channels as well as hostile attitude to English-speaking players on local districts became a social norm, while at first such behaviour was considered worth of a report and social stigma accompanying the offender. |
If someone is speaking Finnish in EU-English 1, I ignore it, because I can't make heads or tails of it. If someone is speaking rude in Finnish, I wouldn't even know.
If a Finnish player is being rude in English, I'll confront that person on it, and if applicable, send in a report with screens if that person has gone too far in my opinion. That still is the best option.
I'm Dutch myself, and I found that most experienced Dutch people have moved to American Districts. Thus 80% dutch people in Europe-English are new to the game.
Don't introduce Dutch Districts, we will probably just go to American to pug.
Don't introduce Dutch Districts, we will probably just go to American to pug.
You don't understand the point.
Imagine the following situation: - The game is localised in Dutch. - You are American, you only speak English, but can get by playing the game by knowing a little Dutch. - The districts are: Dutch, French, German. - You are automatically put into the Dutch district when starting the game. What do you do? You stop talking to other Americans in English altogether? Don't think so. Reverse the situation and you know how it is for Dutch people. |
English is language of globalisation. Confront it with Spanish - Spanish is used by more people natively but it's not a global language.
I assure you, if Chinese was global language, then first foreign language kids would be taught in school - well, it would be chinese!
You stick a magical sign 'hey, stop right there, we are all equal!', while there is no need for it.
If you are Frenchman and speak French on French district, I respect you for that. If I come to your district and you are modest enough to use English to communicate with me in case I don't understand that language or there are other people who don't in the team, I respect you even more.
But, if you just keep talking 'gibberish' no one else understands on purpose, then these are bad manners. Bad manners, because English is a global language, it's even important part of European education. Not knowing English on a basic level and refusing to use it when all else fails is just like having bad manners or lack of any historical and cultural background of the continent you are living in.
Frenchman coming to English district and talking gibberish is not the same as Englishman coming to French district and talking 'gibberish' not understandable only to people without basic education.
It's like that not because English is in any moral way more superior than the French (now that sounded funny), but because English is language of globalisation wide range of people understand and use as a mean of communication, while French is not. It serves practical purpose, nothing else.
You can go to India and speak English, you can go to China and speak English, you can go to Europe and speak English, list goes on! Can you say the same about French? Can you say the same about Dutch? Can you say the same about Polish or Russian?
If you use English to communicate in global environments, it's common modesty. You use most popular mean of communication, you want to make sure everyone understands you and can write back.
Introduction of local districts combined with shrinking community is damaging this game severely, just like introduction of local districts lowered the level of commonly shared and appreciated manners, since having BASIC education was no longer a requirement to participate in the game. Economic-wise, smart move. More customers, more money. Though, like everyone can see it backfired.
I'm not posting this as any kind of disrespect to non-English cultures (heck, I'm not English myself?), it's merely common sense. Everyone should be able to understand what I'm trying to say without taking offense.
Well, you've seen what Regina responded to your post.
As such, the problem isn't about people speaking foreign languages, but people being rude. If someone is speaking Finnish in EU-English 1, I ignore it, because I can't make heads or tails of it. If someone is speaking rude in Finnish, I wouldn't even know. If a Finnish player is being rude in English, I'll confront that person on it, and if applicable, send in a report with screens if that person has gone too far in my opinion. That still is the best option. |
But there is also a problem with socio-cultural structure of the game, it has changed immensely since Prophecies launch. People with lack of understanding of English and unwillingness or lack of means to learn it will only contribute to undermining 'easy communication over everything' spirit. Their somewhat unintended behaviour perceived as ignorant, arrogant and rude (especially on English districts) had also lead to sudden explosion of ignorance & hate towards other groups in general as well ...
I think we Dutch folks just can continue talk Dutch I mean really ?
Let's say you go on a vacation let's say.. America then when you talk to your mother, father brother sister etc. In English I think they would be like O_O why are you talking English ? Since when did THAT made sense ?
Let's say you go on a vacation let's say.. America then when you talk to your mother, father brother sister etc. In English I think they would be like O_O why are you talking English ? Since when did THAT made sense ?
All that talk of 'hate', 'ignorance' and 'gibberish' is unnecessary.
What it comes down to is this. People from the same country speak with each other in their native language, not in their second or third language. If there is no district for their native language, they will speak their native language in the default district. The status of a language as a global or non-global language doesn't have anything to do with people talking to each other in their native language. Really, you think that if there was no Polish district, Polish people would speak English to each other instead of Polish?
If they want to talk to people from another country they will probably do so in English.
Problem solved?
P.S. (big P.S.)
@ all the people who say, take your non-English to the International District:
What would that solve?? There are only 7 'official' languages in the European districts at the moment. If all other languages went to the international district, 90% of all chat would be unintelligible to the people there!
Or do you really think that all people who don't speak English as their first language understand all other non-English languages?
What it comes down to is this. People from the same country speak with each other in their native language, not in their second or third language. If there is no district for their native language, they will speak their native language in the default district. The status of a language as a global or non-global language doesn't have anything to do with people talking to each other in their native language. Really, you think that if there was no Polish district, Polish people would speak English to each other instead of Polish?
If they want to talk to people from another country they will probably do so in English.
Problem solved?
P.S. (big P.S.)
@ all the people who say, take your non-English to the International District:
What would that solve?? There are only 7 'official' languages in the European districts at the moment. If all other languages went to the international district, 90% of all chat would be unintelligible to the people there!
Or do you really think that all people who don't speak English as their first language understand all other non-English languages?
Earlier today I was planning on thanking Regina for assuming Dutch players are better educated than players from Russia, France, Spain and the like. You just destroyed those believes...
If it was up to me, I would just remove all districts besides the American and European English ones. If you're not going to speak English in an International online game (regardless of it's translation) - GTFO.
If it was up to me, I would just remove all districts besides the American and European English ones. If you're not going to speak English in an International online game (regardless of it's translation) - GTFO.
..... You still don't get the point.
Dutch people speak Dutch to other Dutch people. Polish people speak Polish to other Polish people. French people speak French to other French people. German people speak German to other German people. Italian people speak Italian to other Italian people.
Starting to get it?
Russian people speak Russian to other Russian people. Finnish people speak Finnish to other Finnish people.
Got it now?
Removing districts will not change this.
Read the situation I sketched again and tell me I'm wrong. I'm not. American people will speak English with each other no matter what district they are in. It's only logical.
Removing all districts except Asia-Chinese will not make everyone speak Chinese just like removing all districts except Europe-English will not make everyone speak English.
In fact, removing districts will only make things worse. You think it's bad now with Dutch people speaking Dutch on Europe-English? Imagine adding French, German, Polish, Russian etc to the mix.
Dutch people speak Dutch to other Dutch people. Polish people speak Polish to other Polish people. French people speak French to other French people. German people speak German to other German people. Italian people speak Italian to other Italian people.
Starting to get it?
Russian people speak Russian to other Russian people. Finnish people speak Finnish to other Finnish people.
Got it now?
Removing districts will not change this.
Read the situation I sketched again and tell me I'm wrong. I'm not. American people will speak English with each other no matter what district they are in. It's only logical.
Removing all districts except Asia-Chinese will not make everyone speak Chinese just like removing all districts except Europe-English will not make everyone speak English.
In fact, removing districts will only make things worse. You think it's bad now with Dutch people speaking Dutch on Europe-English? Imagine adding French, German, Polish, Russian etc to the mix.
I didn't bother getting the point, because it's a useless discussion to begin with. Besides, I never once agreed or disagreed with your post.
Oh sod off. There are plenty occasions where I speak English with Dutch people. Obviously it makes me look more sophisticated!
Oh sod off. There are plenty occasions where I speak English with Dutch people. Obviously it makes me look more sophisticated!
Usually when people speak Dutch in allspeak, it's a Dutch message from a Dutch person asking Dutch people to join a Dutch guild. If you don't understand the message, then it's not meant for you, so that person just saved you several seconds of valuable reading time by making it unintelligible for you. Be grateful.
Also, Dutch people over 16 who can't speak English at least somewhat decently are retards. Plenty of opportunity to learn the language in the Netherlands.
Also, Dutch people over 16 who can't speak English at least somewhat decently are retards. Plenty of opportunity to learn the language in the Netherlands.
Earlier today I was planning on thanking Regina for assuming Dutch players are better educated than players from Russia, France, Spain and the like. You just destroyed those believes...
Good thing it isn't up to you. Because International online game must mean 'we all talk English', not that it can be played in multiple countries.
Districts don't have anything to do with location anymore.
Enon, I didn't get your nationality. You say you speak English to Dutch people, you didn't say you speak English to other Dutch people, so I'll assume that you are not Dutch. In that case, you are true in saying you never bothered to get the point...
In addition, if he bases all Dutch education on me, Dutch education must be quite good (gymnasium, LLB, LLM, TOEFL=610). Personal attacks are bad mkay?
You base your opinion on one case only? If so, all Germans must be nazi's, all US people must be fat and all Russian player vodka-addicted.
There are districts for languages that the in-game text is localized in. Because the game is not localized in Dutch, but is localized in Polish and Russian, there are no districts for Dutch, but there are for Polish and Russian. There are no plans to localize the in-game text into Dutch, so it is unlikely that there will be Dutch language districts.
Give them the district, less dutch people = better for the English. I was glad when they put the rest of the Polish people on our districts.
Also do something about Netherlanders.
Also do something about Netherlanders.
who cares about ppl talking dutch in eu districts lmao
i do it all the time and i don't care bout what ppl think bout it
and there aren't only Dutch people talking Dutch, biggest mistake people make
Belgian people speak natively Dutch too, don't confuse us with them Dutchies pl0x
i do it all the time and i don't care bout what ppl think bout it
and there aren't only Dutch people talking Dutch, biggest mistake people make
Belgian people speak natively Dutch too, don't confuse us with them Dutchies pl0x
People more often confuse Dutch people with German (Deutsch) people

I go into Europe English districts to speak English, not Dutch, or Belgian, or whatever other language people decide to use in European - English district (the keyword is in the title folks). Sorry you guys don't get your own district but have a bit of consideration for those who don't want their local chat bombarded with foreign chat all day.
It's ok saying go to the US district, they speak English there, but the lag is awful, especially at this time of year with the festival. Neither should I have to go to another district to be able to freely speak to people in english in my own district.
You mean like the European - English district is nowadays? Right?
It's ok saying go to the US district, they speak English there, but the lag is awful, especially at this time of year with the festival. Neither should I have to go to another district to be able to freely speak to people in english in my own district.
You mean like the European - English district is nowadays? Right?
I think we Dutch folks just can continue talk Dutch I mean really ?
Let's say you go on a vacation let's say.. America then when you talk to your mother, father brother sister etc. In English I think they would be like O_O why are you talking English ? Since when did THAT made sense ? |
GLOBAL environment dude!
@ Dzjudz
It's all connected with what I said earlier. The problem is not native-to-native communication in most of the cases, the problem is with people who isolate themselves in their 'native' districts on purpose and when foreigners visit these districts to form or join teams they are unable to communicate at all without getting insulted or ignored.
Such a thing wasn't a problem when there were very few district kinds and game basically was translated in just 3 or so languages, including official English one. People without understanding of second language (mainly English) simply weren't interested in the game at that stage so majority of them didn't buy the game and didn't create the problem.
Like I said, it all started like a big snowball with Nightfall. We suddenly got loads of people with attitude clearly against speaking in English and I remember a lot of dramas even on English districts. Foreign moonspeak, insults, ignore list, report, change district, repeat.
I couldn't care less about advertisement for guild recruitment in native language in English district (well, that way at least one proves he IS of the said nationality) or some random chit-chat which vanishes as fast as it appeared.
The problem is with people which on purpose or due to lack in education won't communicate with you in most basic English. They are only bold enough to write 'noob', 'stfu', 'f... you' and the like.
With universal EU districts these people would be forced to act in a more friendly manner and adhere to constructive communication code, otherwise they wouldn't find any team and would immediately get a few-days vacation in form of report & ban. These trolls simply couldn't hide in their 'nest' districts like they do now. I tell you, there is no worse place to be in than Kamadan Pol-1 since it's launch.
Zahr Dalsk
This was most noticeable on arrogant Polish players (mainly kids I guess?)
Dawn of War used to be infested with them.
EDIT: Also, people who talk foreign languages in all chat in american districts: go ahead, don't be surprised when we take the piss out of you for it though.
As a dutchie myself I'm just wondering if Anet can see how much people are playing from certain countries. I know ALOT of dutch players in the game and when I play I always see more dutchies. I think the dutch district will be more full then Polish or Italy. But it's prolly not going to happen, maybe GW2?
And I think they should not add that much districts. EE is kinda dead, german is quite full, french also i think. rest is empty. The problem is that in trade(party search) germans dominate it with their language, now I can understand some words, but it's just anoying.
I think most people go to american districts anyway to sell because they can understand english and because there are more people anyways.
But only an english server would be enough for me. I just want to communicate with everyone using the most common internet language.
And I think they should not add that much districts. EE is kinda dead, german is quite full, french also i think. rest is empty. The problem is that in trade(party search) germans dominate it with their language, now I can understand some words, but it's just anoying.
I think most people go to american districts anyway to sell because they can understand english and because there are more people anyways.
But only an english server would be enough for me. I just want to communicate with everyone using the most common internet language.