1Fiery Shadow Blade of Warding (not inscribable)
15-22 q9
dmg 14%
energy -5
armor +7
2Fierry dadao sword of fortitude (inscribable)
15-22 q9
hp +29
dmg +15
armor -10
3sundering crescent axe of fortitude (inscribable)
6-28 q9
dmg +15% enchanted
armor penetration 20/19
4Lotus shield of devotion (inscribable
armor 16 q10
recieved physical dmg -5 chance 19%
hp +45 enchanted
5 Sundering chaos axe of fortitude (not inscribable)
6-28 q 10
dmg 14% stance
armor penetration 20/19
hp +30
6 Sundering elemental sword of fortitude (inscribable)
15-22 q9
dmg +15^50
armor penetration 20/20
pc on a few golds