I need a price check on:
Sundering Fellblade of Fortitude (dyed silver)
Slashing damage 15-22 (requires 9 swordsmanship)
Inscription:"Strength and Honor"
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
Armor Penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
Darkwing Defender of Fortitude (dyed black)
Armor 16: (requires 10 tactics)
Inscription:"Luck of the Draw"
Recieved physical damage -5 (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
Diamond Aegis Of Fortitude
Armor 16: (requires 9 tactics)
Inscription:"Luck of the Draw"
Recieved physical damage -5 (chance:20%)
Health +30
all are gold
Fellblade and 2 shields
~20-25k for the fellblade.
I'd say 25k on the Fellblade.
Not sure about the other two.
Not sure about the other two.
Diamond Aegis on 8-12k , Darkwing about 15-25k clean imo.