I was just thinking about this. Your account keeps a log of who logs onto it, mostly you with your IP address. What if they made it so that, your account gets used to an IP address (yours) and then when it differs (like a hacker on a different IP) the account stops after you successful log in (not letting you get to your characters) until you answer a safe security question that a hacker would never know about yourself.
That is all.
Suggestion to Further Improve Account Security
Bob Slydell
IP addresses can change, sadly. There would have to be a way to tell the game your IP address changed. As for the question, that's how people get cracked...
Bob Slydell
I wasn't aware that they changed. Are you sure you don't mean local dhcp addresses? I've had this comcast adddress since 05.....same since
Bob Slydell
This would be fine if (a) people with dynamic IP's that change all the time could simply turn the feature off, and (b) when your long-term IP changes, you could enter a new "normal IP" after correctly answering the question.
<---Dynamic IP
So your suggestion would be a bit of a pain...but as an optional feature...or as one person suggested a large ip range so I'd be fine but someone from another country or a different region of the US couldn't log in without a security question...
So your suggestion would be a bit of a pain...but as an optional feature...or as one person suggested a large ip range so I'd be fine but someone from another country or a different region of the US couldn't log in without a security question...