Mini santa new mini pet?
So I was in gtob and la today and saw people saying wtb mini santa and I also saw a few guys selling one. They said they got it from the zchest. Is this a new minipet?
own age myname
Why would there be a Santa Minipet? He has nothing to do with Guild Wars
What existing model would it be a miniature of?
Not to mention it would cause immense butthurt among non-Christians and other remarkably intolerant groups that preach tolerance.
Not to mention it would cause immense butthurt among non-Christians and other remarkably intolerant groups that preach tolerance.
Ask them to show in trade, then post a screenie
you just got owned, ppl wtb mini ectoplasms too
Neo Nugget
No need to start rumors. If somebody actually sees one in game, then PM me with proof that it exists and I will reopen this thread.