Please help me with making a new account. :s
Princess Alexandra
Today I bought a GuildWars Eye of the North and when I try to make a new account it won't let me.. It says that it isn't the right access key to create a new account. I already have GuildWars Fractions from previous years and I shared the account with my brother but he reset the password so I couldn't play it and I still can't now. How do I play the game with my new access key? =[
Eye of the North (EotN) is an expansion, not a stand alone game
You will need at least one of the following to create an account: Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall.
Each of these allows you to create an account. You can then add your Eye of the North access key to the existing account, and when you get a character to a certain point in the main story you will have the option to take that character through to the EotN content. You cannot create characters soley for EotN content
Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall are full games in their own right. With each you can create an account, or add them to your existing account if you've made one with on of the other chapters. Each chapter has its own starter area, where you can make characters for that chapter, and if you have added the chapters to the same account, after a certain point in each story you can take your existing character to the other stories you own
You will need at least one of the following to create an account: Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall.
Each of these allows you to create an account. You can then add your Eye of the North access key to the existing account, and when you get a character to a certain point in the main story you will have the option to take that character through to the EotN content. You cannot create characters soley for EotN content
Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall are full games in their own right. With each you can create an account, or add them to your existing account if you've made one with on of the other chapters. Each chapter has its own starter area, where you can make characters for that chapter, and if you have added the chapters to the same account, after a certain point in each story you can take your existing character to the other stories you own
Eye of the north is an expansion and must be added to an existing account.
You need to be able to log on to your existing account to add the access key to it -
or buy a new copy of factions, or prophecies, or nightfall, or one of the combo packs, make a new account with that, then add your eye of the north to it.
There is no way to play with eye of the north alone as characters cannot be created there.
You need to be able to log on to your existing account to add the access key to it -
or buy a new copy of factions, or prophecies, or nightfall, or one of the combo packs, make a new account with that, then add your eye of the north to it.
There is no way to play with eye of the north alone as characters cannot be created there.
Princess Alexandra
I actually did make an account.. but I'm waiting for the password to be reset email.. and it hasn't showed up yet. =[
By the way, if I have a demo account, can I add an access key to it so it can be forever?
By the way, if I have a demo account, can I add an access key to it so it can be forever?
By the way, if I have a demo account, can I add an access key to it so it can be forever?
if you have a trial key that is for prophecies/factions/nightfall, and you add factions retail key to it, you will have access to factions but not characters/skills from the other two campaigns.
You cannot add eotn key to a trial account (I hope), if you could you would be unable to access anything when the trial ended.
you will be able to keep armor from a trial key if you have access to the profession it is for (Example - i own factions and prophecies - i add nightfall trial key, go to nightfall land, buy armor for my RANGER (or any non nightfall profession) - when the trial ends my ranger still keeps his nightfall armor, but cannot go back to nightfall land unless i add retail key.
Hope i answered your question in there someplace.

Princess Alexandra
Oh okay thanks..
x sithis x
shoulda got faction/prop/nf and you woulda got eotn free
Bob Slydell
Your biggest mistake was sharing your account.