WTS list ( mostly weapons)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009




hello every1, i need to clean my storage and my chars bags.

Sword List:

Greater Dark Scimitar ( R13)
-Energy gain on Hit
-Armor +7 (elemental damage)
-Damage 14%>50

Greater Dark Scimitar ( R12)
-dmg 19% (while hexed)
-Double arenaline gain ( 8%)
-dmg 20% vs undead

Broadsword ( R13)
-Cold damage
-dmg 15%( while in strance)
-dmg 20% vs undead

Ripper Blade (R9)
- +5 armor
- dmg 15% -5 energy
- crippled duration +33%

Brute Sword (R12)
-energy gain on hit
-dmg +20% vs undead

Celestial Sword (R13)
-armor +7 (elemantal)
-dmg 15%>50%

Forgoten Sword

Axe List:

Celestial Axe (R9)
-fire damage
-Axe Mastery +1 (20%)
dmg +14% ( while enchanted)

Ancient Axe (R13)
-enchantments last +20%
- life Steal (+3-1)
-dmg +15% ( while enchanted)

Gemstone Axe (R10)
-Armor Penetration +20% (19%)
-dmg +15% (while in strance)
-dmg +19% vs undead

Serpent Axe (r12)
-Life steal ( +3, -1)
-enchantment last +19%
-dmg +15% (while in strance)

Runic Axe (R9)
-dmg +15% (-10 armor while attacking)
-Deep Wound +33%

Hammers List:

Archaic Hammer (R11)
-armor +7 ( ele dmg)
-dmg +14% -5 energy
-Energy gain on hit

Golden Maul (R13)
-cold dmg
- +28Heath
-dmg +14% ( while in strance)

Celestial Hammer (R9)
-Energy gain on Hit
- +5 armor
- dmg +19% ( while health below 50%)

War Hammer "Spiked" (R11)
-cold dmg
-dmg +15% ( while in strance)
-dmg +19% vs undead

Runic Hammer (R13)
-Enchantment +19%
-dmg +19% ( while hexed)

Righteous Maul (R9)
-Weakness +33%
-energy +5
- +29health

Greater Glyphic Maul (R9)
-Fire dmg
-Hammer Mastery +1 (19% chance while using skills)
-dmg +15% ( while in strance)

Murakai's Maul

Twin Hammer (R12)
-cold dmg
-armor +7 vs phycical
-dmg 15% ( while in strance)

Shield List " warrior":

Aegis of the Condemned

Shield of the Lion (R13 str)
- +30health
- reduce dmg -5 (chance 19%)

Skeleton Shield (R10 tac)
- +43 health ( while in strance)
- armor +10 vs earth

Tribal shield " Effigy" (R10 tac)
- +43hp (while in strance)
- reduce disease by 20%

Guardian Of the hunt (R12 str)
- +44 health ( while in strance)
- strenght +1 (19% chance)

Shield List "paragon"

Suntouched Shield (R10 mtv)
- +44health (while enchanted)
- reduce weakness by 20%

Reinforced Defender (R10 mtv)
- +44health ( while in strace)
- armor +10 vs blunt

Goldleaf Defender (R11 com)
- +29health
- reduce dmg -2 (while enchanted)

Eagle Defender (R9 com)
- +59 health ( while hexed)
- reduce dazed by 20%

Iridescent Aegis (R12 com)
- +44 health ( while in strance)
- +9 armor vs piercing

Eternal Shield (R11 com)
- +27 health
-reduce disease by 20%

Draconic Aegis (R10 com)
- +45hp ( while enchanted)
- reduce disease by 20%

WTS alcohol:

Flasks Of Firewater : 59

eggnogs : 75

Hunter's ales : 79

Hard apple ciders : 29

NOTE: if you dont like the skin, but you want the Seal we can make a deal.

thanks for reading



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009




bring up my thread.

now with more stuff



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2008


Society of Souls [Argh]


Broadsword ( R13)
-Cold damage
-dmg 15%( while in strance)
-dmg 20% vs undead

Gemstone Axe (R10)
-Armor Penetration +20% (19%)
-dmg +15% (while in strance)
-dmg +19% vs undead

1k each

ign:Empress Luindy Amor