Warrior Nation for looking for fun, mature members that are looking for a decent PvE Guild. We are an international guild and our player base consists of Euros, Americans and Australians. Alot of us are working on our KoabD titles and often do many HM Missions, Vanquishing, Rep Farming, Dungeons and Speed Clears. We are often very helpful and like to assist our members to do whatever they need.
Warrior Nation is actually an international multi-gaming clan and we are recruiting for the Guild Wars Section. Warrior Nation has been around for years and years and our Guild Wars Section is more than 5 years old. WN supports more than 50 games and has thousands of members. We encourage all of our members to use the WN forums, however if your not into posting on forums, you simply have to make a post once a month to show that you are active.
If you would like to join the Clan and especially, our Guild Wars Section, you can contact us via the following portals.
WNx Cyppy - Officer
WNx Child - Guild Leader
Wnx Rayne - Officer
WNx Thrawn - Officer
X-Fire: cyper515
MSN: [email protected]
or simply PM me on these forums.
If you would like to take a look at our website and forums, head on over to www.warriornation.net However, if you would like to join, please do not make an account on the forums yet as this is an invite only clan and you will be refused without a member vouching.
Warrior Nation [WN] Looking for Members