WTS some sweet tooth, party, beer, and random stuff
Little Louie
3 armors of salvation
3 powerstones of courage
1 essence of clarity
mini ooze, desert griffon,and quetzal sly (all unded = 15k each) based off of gwg price guide
mini fire imp x2 = 1k each
3 destroyer cores
green deldrimor strength shield (r9 strength, +30 health, -5 (20%)
r10 tactics emblazoned defender gold inscrip (crap mods)
r12 gold sephis sword gold inscrib (no mods)
thunderfist's brass knuckles (no mods, r9 gold daggers) x2
the bison cup x2
sunreach's shield
enadiz defender
r9 gold shield of the lion (crap mods)
chidehkir's deliverance x2
gavel of the nephilm
r9 purple max fiery dragon sword inscrip (no mods)
r13 gold max sickle inscrip (crap mods)
byzzr's benediction
totem axe
r9 blue max inscrip long sword (crafted, actual long sword skin)
r9 prot purple max inscrip holy vial (crap mods)
everything offer except the minipets
IGN: Little Louie
3 powerstones of courage
1 essence of clarity
mini ooze, desert griffon,and quetzal sly (all unded = 15k each) based off of gwg price guide
mini fire imp x2 = 1k each
3 destroyer cores
green deldrimor strength shield (r9 strength, +30 health, -5 (20%)
r10 tactics emblazoned defender gold inscrip (crap mods)
r12 gold sephis sword gold inscrib (no mods)
thunderfist's brass knuckles (no mods, r9 gold daggers) x2
the bison cup x2
sunreach's shield
enadiz defender
r9 gold shield of the lion (crap mods)
chidehkir's deliverance x2
gavel of the nephilm
r9 purple max fiery dragon sword inscrip (no mods)
r13 gold max sickle inscrip (crap mods)
byzzr's benediction
totem axe
r9 blue max inscrip long sword (crafted, actual long sword skin)
r9 prot purple max inscrip holy vial (crap mods)
everything offer except the minipets
IGN: Little Louie
Sinister Thirteen
3 armors of salvation = 300g each
2 powerstones of courage = 1k each
1 essence of clarity = 300g
total = 3.2k
IGN: Hangnails Hurt
2 powerstones of courage = 1k each
1 essence of clarity = 300g
total = 3.2k
IGN: Hangnails Hurt
1 essence of clarity = 500g
3 armors of salvation = 500g each
/sarv gyaata
3 armors of salvation = 500g each
/sarv gyaata
Hell Risen
essence 1k
AoS 800g x3
powerstone 1.5k x1
IGN: ectos are yummy
AoS 800g x3
powerstone 1.5k x1
IGN: ectos are yummy
15 mysterious summoning stones
3 mischieveus summoning stones
3 frosty summoning stones
9k for all these
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
3 mischieveus summoning stones
3 frosty summoning stones
9k for all these
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
Little Louie
added a lot of weapons
added a lot of weapons
I will take all your booze and party pts for your mentioned price.
3k on essence
2k on each powerstone
1k on each armor of salvation
2k on each powerstone
1k on each armor of salvation
Little Louie
Little Louie
Darth Apokalypse
enadiz defender 1k
ING: Darth Apokalypse
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ING: Darth Apokalypse
EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.