I got the blue screen of death earlier. Error report suggests it was the GPU driver. I removed the old driver and installed another, but again I got blue screened. This happened for every driver I installed. This would suggest to me my GPU died?
I went as far as doing a full clean install of Vista with no success.
GPU is a 7950gtx 512MB (notebook)
Luckily it's still under warranty for a few more months.
GPU issue
Malice Black
Elder III
in that case I would send it back while it's under warranty.
Did you use Driver Sweeper in between driver installs? It's most likely a dead GPU, but I just wanted to check on that to be sure.
Did you use Driver Sweeper in between driver installs? It's most likely a dead GPU, but I just wanted to check on that to be sure.
Malice Black
Yea I did.
Nothing worked. Sent in a support ticket.
Nothing worked. Sent in a support ticket.