Pre-searing naga raincaller for sale, I would say it's one of 3 left in pre, maybe the only one, who knows?. I need some cash for titles and what not so I guess I'm gonna part with my baby. Looking for someone to keep it in pre if possible, it's worth more there and is extremely rare. If I'm gonna take it into post It needs to be for a good price. Hopefully there are some pre players her who may be interested and will pay the right price. I know there is but It's always dead.
If the pet is purchased in pre we will find someone to mediate the trade, someone trustworthy from within the presearing community, or if you are happy going first then thats fine too.
To start.
s/b 1g

c/o 1200e mordiego
B/o 1750 ectos
Gl with bidding, I will post b/o shortly, will only sell when price is right for me
Right to not sell under any circumstances.
Mods pls close all my old open threads thanks.
If you do want to see it ingame pls pm me for my IGN