Perfect modded (40 HCT 20 HSR 20ENC)
Dyed White
s/b 100e
c/o 170e leetLoLa
b/o 250e
Happy bidding! leave IGN
WTS BDS Prot Q12
Mala of Master
s/b here 12 charcters..
Diao Xiao
160e for me .
ign lola pew pew
ign lola pew pew
bump it up!
added b/o
added b/o
wheres is the BO?anw i go to 175
I offer 180e
ig Burny As Prot iol
ig Burny As Prot iol
185 ign leet lola
190e ig Burny as prot iol
243e ig Burny as prot iol
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EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-bid: Consecutive Posts Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click

Bo bo bo bo bo