Back in. Need some help.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2009

Ft. Drum, NY


Ok, so I just spent a bit overseas and I havent played in about a year. Im sure that the game has changed a bit since then. Anyone care to fill me in on what ive missed?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2009

wouldn't you like to know?

^yea KFC just subscribed to me for 1 year^


can't check right now, cause in the middle of something, but what's new to be seen [primary things]:

-nicholas the traveler: an NPC which changed locations weekly, collects different items and hands out gifts. [he has an equivalent in pre]
-zaishen menagerie: a place where you can store your pets and make em account-wide.
-a bunch of skill changes
-Uw has been made harder, new contest has been added in form of another quest which involves you fight a new UW end-boss.
- 95% guild wars population has been hacked
- 3% guild wars population has left.

Welcome back

snowman relic

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009

your just a meatsheild to me


hells got it basically exept u cannot trust even your best friend anymore in the game do not drop,trade, or give anything that you want to keep


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2008


Also, Shadowform is about to get nerfed in a month or so.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2009

wouldn't you like to know?

^yea KFC just subscribed to me for 1 year^


that's when another 1% of the gw population leaves

snowman relic

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009

your just a meatsheild to me


wen sf gets nerfed sins will become rare lol most of their use in grps are tanks and sometimes spikers so HF anet wen sins die and ectos hit 11k each fora while



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

also, you now can have character makeovers for a price (change hairstyle, hair color, face, sex, etc...).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2009

Domain of Anguish


Ecto price change. New Costume (Dwayna & Grenth) can be purchased.

NOTE: The guys above told you about Nicholas The Traveler, he updates Location and Collecting Item every week, so check it out Weekly, not like farming the sutff for whole next year for him, thinking he's collecting the same + you can get only 5 gifts per week.

EDIT: He told you about the Makeover, there's also Change Name pack to be purchased.

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

You can check the game updates page on the Wiki.

No need to make a thread over it.