Ectoplasm Prices
Bulletproof Maniac
Are ecto prices going to continue to go up or come back down?
*gazes into crystal ball*
up up up
After the SF nerf, it'll go back down
After the SF nerf, it'll go back down
do we need a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing thread on this every week? Anyone that has a good idea won't share their opinion, because they will be making bank from the fluctuations
ITT: same damn question we get every week
ITT: same damn question we get every week
Mustache Mayhem
hmm wonder why you say that lishy.. there's something you know we don't =] maybe the nerf is'nt going to do much and will appease the whiners
Ugh! I'm so sick of these threads...
hmm wonder why you say that lishy.. there's something you know we don't =] maybe the nerf is'nt going to do much and will appease the whiners
When you fear something will be gone or it will be gone, you panic and rush to buy it.
Like the wintersday costumes, people will rush to buy the ectos. After a while post-SF nerf, people will start farming again and the prices will spike back down.
Next thread please. We don't need another one of these.
reaper with no name
The ecto market, like any other market, is largely due to speculation. Many people think ectos are going to become rare after the nerf, so the price goes up. But then there are others who believe that people have so many stacks of ecto already that a lack of new ectos entering the market won't mean jack. Lishy is probably one of the latter.
Mustache Mayhem
ah makes sense.. yeah but don't expect it to come down too much- if the average can't do the runs it'll probably stay high
Actually, this is just a business philosophy I'm applying.
When you fear something will be gone or it will be gone, you panic and rush to buy it. Like the wintersday costumes, people will rush to buy the ectos. After a while post-SF nerf, people will start farming again and the prices will spike back down. |
in the short term, who cares? :|
+1 before close
Ah yes the price of ectos. What a great reason to ruin a game. It's amazing, everyone says nerfs are about PvE balance, not ecto value. Yet, as has been noted in an earlier post, these thread topics keep popping up. Hmmm....
reaper with no name
Some want SF nerfed for game balance, some want it nerfed for e-peen. These threads are one of many ways you can find out who is which.

x sithis x
I've been slimed!
Why don't you think about what drives ecto prices and come up with your own conclusion, rather than make other people think for you?
From trusted sources I know that in the coming year prices of ectos will definitely go... left.
From experience they will go up...then down...then up...then down. Rinse and repeat.
Every "Zomg Insert-farm-build-here nerf will ruin the game/economy Oh noes" that has occurred in the last 4 years causes prices to go roller coasterish...and these threads to flood guru weekly. Relax. A new build will undoubtedly be on the scene to replace SF.
Edit to [email protected] lol'ed at left, gets my vote
Every "Zomg Insert-farm-build-here nerf will ruin the game/economy Oh noes" that has occurred in the last 4 years causes prices to go roller coasterish...and these threads to flood guru weekly. Relax. A new build will undoubtedly be on the scene to replace SF.
Edit to [email protected] lol'ed at left, gets my vote
I asked the holy hippo of argimarshingtonville and he said "yes"!
Well, I asked the Holy Hippy of Ashingmybiglongblunt and he said "...what?"
Next question in the crystal ball: when will the next ecto thread be started?
Black Metal

Mustache Mayhem
lol I just saw the new thread
Bulletproof Maniac
Neo Nugget
There's another thread on ecto already up. There isn't really a need to put up a new thread every time ecto increases by 500g at the trader.
There's another thread on ecto already up. There isn't really a need to put up a new thread every time ecto increases by 500g at the trader.