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Sorry about the longevity of the list
Any Help would be greatly appreciated
All golds are max damage and indicated whether inscribable or not
Q12 Watercrest Wand of Memory INSC (Water Magic)
Q13 Silencing Zodiac Longbow of Enchanting NONINSC
Q9 Shocking Sai of Dagger Mastery +1/20% INSC
Q10 Insightful Water Staff of Air Magic +5 E NONINSC
Q10 Defensive Shadow Staff of Spawning Power +1/20%, +5 armor NONINS
Q9 Insightful Shadow Staff of Enchanting +5 energy, 20% longer enchant NONINSC (Water Magic)
Q13 Feathered Flatbow of Enchanting INSC
Q9 Accursed Icon of Swiftness, 10% half casting time core, perfect hail to the king INSC
Q13 Hale Divine Staff (Divine Favor) INSC
Q9 Vampiric Elemental Sword 15/50 INSC
Q9 Deldrimor Strength Shield of Fortitude -5/20% +30 Health ISCR
Q13 Heraldic Shield of Devotion INSC (Command)
Q10 Poisoness Banded Spear INSC
Q9 Diamond Aegis (Command) INSC
Q9 Sundering Elemental Sword of Warding INSC
Q9 Poisonous Shinobi Blade, Perfect I Have the Power INSC
Q9 Notched Blade 15/50 INSC
Q9 Gothic Sword 15/50 INSC
Q9 Jeweled Chalice NONINSC
Q9 Shadow Shield -2 phys damage while in a stance INSC (Command)
Q12 Shocking Foe hammer Perfect Vengeance is Mine INSC
Q10 Icy Half Moon 15/50 NONINSC
Q9 Inscribed Chakram (Domination)
Q11 Icy Granite Hammer of Warding INSC
Q10 Embossed Aegis Perfect Leaf on the Wind INSC (Strength)
Again Thanks for the Help
IGN Kiona Svitkona
PC on a rather long list
Consumables X1 Scroll of Resurrection - 1 - 1.5k X9 Scrolls of Heroes Insight - sell to merch or scroll trader, which ever one gives you more X7 Scrolls of Adventurers Insight - same as above X70 Candy Corn 100g - 150g X3 Powerstones 1k X28 Ghost in the Boxes - 200g X45 Vials of Absinthe 80 - 90g X45 Squash Serums 80 -90g X78 Pumpkin Cookies 100g - 150g X2 Star of Transference X1 Armor of Salvation X47 Witches Brews 80 - 90g X71 Candy Apples 100 - 150g Miscellaneous X1 Crème Brulee 300 - 400g X5 Passage Scrolls to the Fissure of Woe about 1k X15 Automaton Summoning Stones -300g maybe, VERY hard sell X2 Cloths of the Brotherhood - 5k ish X6 Obby Keys - x 2 what merch offers i think X4 Imperial Commendations X3 Mischievous Summoning Stones - same as automaton stones X143 CC Shards - 80 - 100g X59 Glacial Stones buddy of mine is selling these for 7g each X2 Mischievous Tonics 200 - 300g X4 Yuletide Tonics 200 - 300g X26 Rainbow Candy Canes 200g i think, not sure X1 Diessa Chalice X2 Stacks of Glittering Dust 3 - 4k X9 Superb Charr Carvings 300g ?? X1 Golden Rin Relic 2k X17 Destroyer Cores 300g ?? Fire Imp Polymock Piece IGN Kiona Svitkona |