Hello ..
Sell here my 2 Minis Ded Zhed and Ded Vizu
(and the Bags)
Ded Zhed
Sold 4 nice offer
Ded Vizu
S/B 100e
C/O 3300e ing
B/O 100 Arms
EDITED by LicensedLuny: Removed the items that do not belong. Remember, High-end is only for items/packages that are 100k+. Sell is for items/packages less than 100k. The buy section is only for buying items/packages. You can ask fellow members about prices in our Price Check forum. You may remove this message once you have read and understood it.
Ded Zhed,Ded Vizu
Pump it upppppppppp
Xx Sasuke xX
80arms on vizu rtr
Surge goes pre
ofFer ded shiroken on zhed. Ty
ign: amalia silverwing
ign: amalia silverwing
Pump it upp !!!!
38k Per Tot Stack (Will buy all)
IGN Zodiac Commander
IGN Zodiac Commander
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Scarred Dead
40a + 1620e on vizu
Scarred Dead
3320e on vizu..
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-bid: Consecutive Posts Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click
on your existing post and change/add as necessary. If it has been some time since your last post, you might also send the seller a private message to let them know you've made changes.
This rule still applies if you are outbidding an in-game offer listed in an edit to the original post. Each reply posted to a thread bumps it to the top of the forum list. Do not make consecutive posts to bid on items in the same thread. If other users have posted to outbid you, you must make a new post if you want to bid higher. If you are outbid in a new post, you may not go back to your first post and edit to raise your offer, aka "stealth bidding." If other users have replied since your last post, it is acceptable to post again for new items. Do not abuse this to help a seller keep his/her thread bumped. Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-bid: Consecutive Posts Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click

This rule still applies if you are outbidding an in-game offer listed in an edit to the original post. Each reply posted to a thread bumps it to the top of the forum list. Do not make consecutive posts to bid on items in the same thread. If other users have posted to outbid you, you must make a new post if you want to bid higher. If you are outbid in a new post, you may not go back to your first post and edit to raise your offer, aka "stealth bidding." If other users have replied since your last post, it is acceptable to post again for new items. Do not abuse this to help a seller keep his/her thread bumped. Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.