From Ashes Rose the Pheonix (sic) [love] is a luxon guild, and the leader of the alliance. We are a luxon guild that is currently under reconstruction.
For the past few months, I've noticed that the guild I've come to enjoy the most has slowly been going idle. As the newly crowned leader (as the old leader is off playing Aion ATM) it is my goal to breathe some new life into this dying but capable guild. As such, I am putting out a call to all players 18 and up. If you are new, I am willing to take the time to help you learn. If you are an old hand at the game and are tired of your current guild, I welcome you. If you've been playing for a while and are stuck, I am willing to take the time to tutor you on the finer points.
The rules of the guild are posted here
If this interests you, PM me either here or in game at Crystal Lynd between the hours of 1030pm MST - 1am MST
From Ashes Rose The Pheonix [love] is recruiting new and old players